Off-street loading shall be provided in accordance with the specifications in this section in all districts whenever any new use is established or an existing use is enlarged.
(A) Space required. Every building which requires the receipt or distribution by vehicles of material or merchandise shall provide off-street loading berths in accordance with the following:
(1) Retail commercial uses. All retail sales facilities exceeding 10,000 square feet in area shall provide two loading spaces plus one loading space for every 30,000 square feet of floor space over 10,000 square feet; and
(2) Industrial and wholesale commercial. All industrial and wholesale commercial land uses shall provide one loading berth for each 10,000 square feet of floor space, with a minimum of not less than two loading spaces.
(B) Site and access. All loading spaces shall be located and designed to avoid traffic hazard to public use of all public rights-of-way or any required access aisles for off-street parking areas. Each loading space shall be not less than ten feet in width, 50 feet in length, and 15 feet in height.
(C) Location of loading docks. A loading dock shall not be located or positioned so as to be in direct line of sight with any dwelling unit. Screen walls or large evergreen trees may be used to screen direct view, subject to approval of a detailed site plan by the Planning Commission.
(Ord., § 410, passed 6-11-2002)