(A)   Generally.  Off-street parking on all districts shall be provided in accordance with the following minimum specifications whenever any new use is established or an existing use is enlarged. Such off-street parking space shall be maintained and shall not be encroached upon by any structures or other uses so long as the principal structure remains, unless an equivalent number of such spaces are provided elsewhere in conformance with this chapter.
   (B)   Space requirements.  The minimum number of off-street parking spaces required are set forth in the schedule of off-street parking spaces in division (C) of this section. Where a use is not specifically mentioned, requirements for similar uses shall apply and shall be interpreted by the Board of Appeals.
   (C)   Schedule of off-street parking spaces.
Required Spaces
Required Spaces
Assembly halls, churches, mortuaries, theaters, lodges, and clubs
1 per 3 seats or per 21 square feet of assembly space, whichever will require the largest number of parking spaces
Automobile service stations
1 per 50 square feet of office space plus 2 per hoist with a minimum of 5 spaces
Beauty or barber shops
2 for each beauty or barber chair
Boarding, rooming, or lodging houses
1 per bed or 1 per 100 square feet of gross floor space, whichever will require the larger number of parking spaces
Bowling alleys
7 per lane
Business services establishments except as otherwise specified
1 per 100 square feet of sales space on ground floor area not including loading and unloading space
Convalescent homes, home for the aged
1 per each 2 beds
Dwelling units
2 per dwelling
High schools
4.5 per classroom; or 1 per 3 permanent seats or per 63 square feet of assembly space in each assembly hall, whichever will require the largest number of parking spaces
1 per rooming unit plus 1 for each employee
Industrial establishments
1 for each 2 employees in the largest working shift
Laundromats and coin operated dry cleaners
1 for each 2 machines
Medical and dental clinics
1.5 per 200 square feet of floor area with not less than 10 spaces
Miniature golf
3 for each 1 hole
1 per rooming unit plus 1 for each employee
Nursery, elementary, and junior high schools
1 per classroom plus 5; or 1 per 9 permanent seats
Personal service establishments, except as otherwise specified herein
1 per 30 square feet of sales area but with not less than 10 spaces
Poolrooms, archery, and other indoor amusement facilities
1 per 50 square feet of activity area
Professional offices of architects, attorneys, accountants, engineers, and the like
1 per 200 square feet of floor space with not less than 3 spaces
Restaurants and bars
1 per 2 seats
Retail store of appliances, furniture, motor vehicles, hardware, lumber, and building materials
1 per 300 square feet of sales area but with not less than 10 spaces
Retail stores, except as otherwise specified herein with a minimum of 5 spaces
1 per 100 square feet of sales area
Swimming pool clubs
1 for each member of family or individuals plus 1 for each employee
   (C)   Location of off-street parking area.  All required off-street parking spaces, whether public or private, for nonresidential uses shall be on the same lot as the principal building to be served. If located in the B-2 Central Business District, required parking may be located within 300 feet of the building it is intended to serve as measured from the nearest point of the building to the nearest point of the off-street parking area. Within the B-2 District, public parking spaces may be counted toward the required parking spaces. Parking spaces required for dwelling units shall be located on the same lot as the dwelling unit.
   (D)   Collective parking. Two or more buildings or uses may collectively provide the required off-street parking, in which case the required number of parking spaces shall be not less than the sum of the requirements for the various individual uses computed separately.
   (E)   Requirements cumulative.  The parking requirements for all uses proposed on a parcel of land shall be cumulative, unless the Planning Commission shall find that the parking requirements of a particular land use occurs at different hours from those of the other land uses such that such particular land use parking requirements can be advantageously used by other land uses, in which event the parking spaces for such particular land uses need not be required.
   (F)   Off-street parking area design and construction.  Whenever a parking lot is constructed as required off-street parking, such parking lot shall be laid out and constructed in accordance with the following requirements.
      (1)   Each parking space shall constitute a net area of not less than 200 square feet. The total lot space, including access lanes, shall constitute at least 300 square feet per parking space.
      (2)   Ingress and egress points shall be located to minimize traffic congestion and avoid undue interference with pedestrian movement. There shall be no more than two clearly defined access ways abutting on any one street for each parking lot. Approval for the location of exits and entrances shall be obtained from the County Road Commission, City Planner, or City Engineer.
      (3)   Where a parking lot does not abut on a public street, there shall be provided an access drive leading to the parking area not less than 20 feet in width.
      (4)   Any off-street parking area shall be surfaced with a durable, dustless surface, and shall be graded and drained to eliminate surface water accumulation; and further shall be provided with a masonry retaining wall if necessitated by a difference in elevation with adjoining lots.
      (5)   Off-street parking area shall be surfaced with a durable, dustless surface, and shall be graded and drained to eliminate surface water accumulation; and further shall be provided with a masonry retaining wall if necessitated by a difference in elevation with adjoining lots.
      (6)   Off-street parking shall be no closer than five feet from each property line; provided, however, that a wood or metal fence may be constructed on the property line.
      (7)   The off-street parking area shall be subject to approval of the Planning Commission to ensure its adequacy, relation to traffic safety, and protection of the adjacent property.
      (8)   Any person desiring to establish a parking area as an accessory use in a residential district shall submit plans to the Planning Commission showing the location, size, shape, design, landscape, curb cuts, and other features of the parking lot.
(Ord., § 409, passed 6-11-2002)