Exceptions to the maximum heights regulations for each district specified in §§ 152.041 through 152.048 of this chapter may be permitted subject to the following provisions:
   (A)   Height limitations.  The limitations affecting the height of structures to the following appurtenance appendages and structures, provided they comply with all other provisions of this or any other applicable ordinance: parapet walls, chimneys, smokestacks, silos, church spires, flagpoles, radio and television towers, masts and aerials, penthouses for mechanical equipment and water tanks; and
   (B)   Increases in building height.  Building height in excess of the height above average ground level allowed in any district may be permitted, provided minimum front, side, and rear yard depths are increased one foot of height, and provided that adequate fire protection can be demonstrated.
(Ord., § 403, passed 6-11-2002)