The intent and purposes of the districts are set forth below. 
   (A)   R-1 (Low Density Residential Districts).  The R-1 Low Density Residential District is designated principally for single-family residential use and uses normally associated with residential neighborhoods. Buildings with two to four dwelling units may by permitted by special use permit, subject to yard area and other requirements of this chapter. Commercial and industrial uses are excluded in order to reduce excessive noise, traffic, and congestion.
   (B)   R-2 ((Moderate Density Residential District).  This district is intended for moderate density placement of single-family and multiple-family residential use. Buildings with two to eight dwellings may be permitted by special use permit, subject to yard area and other requirements of this chapter and subject to location in accordance with the adopted Master Plan for the city.
   (C)   R-3 (High Density Residential District).  This district is intended for high density residential and multiple-family use, subject to location in accordance with the adopted Master Plan for the city.
   (D)   O (Office District).  This district is intended for limited area adjacent to the Central Business District and portions of Main Street and Michigan Avenue. This district will encourage adaptive reuse of older buildings and large homes. It is expected that such allowing adaptive use will coincide with restoration of those buildings and homes in a historically correct manner.
   (E)   B-1 (Highway Commercial District).  This district is intended to provide for various commercial establishments offering accommodations, supplies, and services requiring visibility to this district, and should be located along a major street or state highway. This district should be visible from and access directly to major thoroughfares and should encourage grouping of various facilities into centers and discourage dispersion and strip development of these activities.
   (F)   B-2 (Central Business District).  This district is intended to encompass the retail, service, and office establishments that form the Downtown Business District and which provide retail convenience and comparison goods and service for the trade area. The nature and high density and intensity of commercial and related uses in this district eliminate the necessity for yard and lot requirements. Only uses that are compatible in such a higher density environment are permitted.
   (G)   I-1 (Industrial District).  The I-1 Industrial District is designed to provide suitable space for industrial uses which are primarily of a manufacturing and assembling character, to operate in a safe, non-objectionable, and efficient manner, without adverse effects on the residential and commercial areas in the city. Provisions for visual and sound buffers are required as well as reasonable separation by distance between industrial uses and residential uses in the vicinity.
   (H)   I-2 (Industrial Park District).  The I-2 Industrial Park District is limited to the area included in the established City Industrial Park. The standards for this district parallel private land use covenants in place for the entire industrial park property, excepting provisions herein for visual and sound buffer wherever an industrial use is adjacent to existing or planned residential land use.
(Ord., § 305, passed 6-11-2002)