(a)   Before moving or wrecking any building, the mover or wrecker shall see that the sewer line is plugged with a concrete stopper, the water is shut off and the meter is returned to the Water Department. He or she shall also notify all utility companies to remove their services.
(Ord. 1964-20. Passed 7-21-64.)
   (b)   After obtaining a permit, as required in Section 1466.01, the owner or mover of the building or other structure shall give seventy-two hours notice to each utility company now or hereafter duly authorized to occupy the streets with their lines of wire. If the proposed moving might break, touch or interfere with the wires or their connections, the owner or mover shall assist the companies or their agents and employees to prevent damage to the wires, which assistance shall be under the direction of the company owning such wires.
(1972 Code §1317.04(b))
   (c)   The mover or owner shall in no case trim or damage any shade tree or fasten ropes, wires, chains or other apparatus to the same or to any utility pole without first obtaining written permission of the owner to do so.
(1972 Code §1317.04(c))