(a) The Chief Building Official designee, shall issue the Certificate of Contractor Registration upon submission of a complete application and the deposit of the fee .
(b) If the Chief Building Official, or designee, finds that the contractor has failed to submit a complete application, has submitted an application containing false information, or has been notified of a violation of a section of the Building Code or Zoning Code, notice in writing shall be delivered by hand, certificate of mailing, certified mail or ordinary mail to the contractor or his agent. The notice shall specify a time period of twenty-four hours within which to remedy the findings. If the contractor fails to remedy the findings, the Chief Building Official shall proceed with a stop order and revocation of the Certificate of Contractor Registration.
(c) The Certificate of Contractor Registration, unless otherwise provided by the City, shall expire on the 31st day of December of each year.
(d) Any contractor employing a subcontractor not registered with the City is subject to immediate revocation.
(Ord. 2007-043. Passed 7-2-07.)
(Ord. 2007-043. Passed 7-2-07.)