(a)   Screening. Off-street parking shall be screened when the parking lot abuts any residential district. This screening shall be consistent with the provisions of Section 1278.05.
   (b)   Access.
      (1)   In commercial and industrial districts all required off-street parking shall have access from a public street in such a manner that any vehicle leaving the premises shall be traveling in a forward motion. When two driveways are located on a site, a separation of at least seventy-five feet shall be maintained from the edge of the first driveway to the closest edge of the second driveway or as approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. On a corner lot one driveway is permitted on each street.
      (2)   Driveways shall intersect public streets at as close to ninety degrees as the site condition permits. However, in no case shall driveways intersect public streets at less than seventy degrees.
      (3)   Driveways shall be located to minimize traffic congestion and avoid undue interference with pedestrian and vehicular traffic. On corner lots driveways shall be located at an adequate distance from the corner, as determined by the city engineer, to insure the safe flow of traffic.
      (4)   For commercial and industrial uses any driveway shall be not less than thirty feet in width at the street right-of-way nor more than forty-five feet in width at the curb cut line of the street or as approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
   (c)   Surface. All required parking lots, loading spaces, driveways, and other vehicular areas shall be surfaced with a pavement having an asphalt or concrete surface of sufficient strength to support vehicular loads imposed on them while providing a durable, dustless surface.
   (d)   Drainage. All parking lots shall be graded and drained so as to dispose of surface water which may accumulate within and upon such area, and shall be designed to prevent the excess drainage of water onto adjacent properties. However, parking lots may be designed as part of an overall detention plan approved by the engineer.
   (e)   Marking. All parking areas shall be marked with paint lines, curb stones or in some other manner approved by the city engineer and shall be maintained in a clearly visible condition.
   (f)   Lighting. Any lights used to illuminate a parking area shall be arranged as to direct the light away from the adjacent properties and right-of-way.
   (g)   Handicapped spaces. Parking spaces for the physically handicapped shall be provided as required by the Americans With Disability Act.
   (h)   Use of parking spaces. No required parking space or area shall be used for sales, storage, repair work, dismantling or servicing of any kind, nor for parking for any other than self-propelled vehicles.
   (i)   Temporary promotions. Parking areas or spaces may be used for temporary promotions or sales which are extensions of the principal business conducted on the property. They may be held for a period not to exceed fifteen days, but not more than two time periods during a calendar year. The area utilized shall not exceed ten percent of the required off-street parking. These temporary sales shall not be hazardous to the health, safety, or welfare of the community.
   (j)   Off-site parking. Off-site parking spaces must be located within 500 feet of an establishment that requires parking spaces. Written proof must be provided that documents the authorization to use such site for a period of time satisfactory to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(Ord. 2001-081. Passed 8-6-01.)