(a)   Setbacks.
      (1)   Driveways and driveway turnarounds for residential purposes shall be located at least five feet from any side or rear property line. No front yard parking is permitted between the structure and the street except in the driveway and driveway turnaround area. Any driveway turnaround in a front yard shall have a minimum front yard setback equal to at least fifty percent of the minimum front yard depth in the zoning district.
      (2)   In commercial zones, (with the exception of the overlay zone), and on any parcel utilized for commercial purposes the driveways, lots, and turnarounds shall be located at least five feet from a rear property line. However, if the use is adjacent to a residentially zoned district twenty-five feet is required. Parking is not permitted in any front nor side yard without the approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Commission based upon subparagraph (3) below, local conditions and adjoining zoning conditions may authorize parking lots in front and side yards.
      (3)   The Planning and Zoning Commission may permit parking in front and side yards within commercial districts. A landscaping plan consistent with Section 1278.05 shall be part of such approval and a minimum front and side yard setback of five feet for parking shall be maintained. When the proposed use is adjacent to a residentially zoned district the adjacent side yard shall be a minimum of ten feet. The Commission may require larger setbacks on these adjacent yards. No setbacks may be required in the overlay zone.
      (4)   Driveways and parking lots for industrial uses shall be located at least five feet from a side or rear property line However, forty-five feet is required if the driveway or lot abuts residentially zoned property.
         (Ord. 2001-081. Passed 8-6-01.)