(a) Purpose. This District is established to accommodate industrial uses.
All buildings, structures or premises shall be used, arranged to be used or designed to be used for only one or more of the following permitted or conditionally permissible uses.
(b) Permitted Uses Within an I-1 Industrial District.
(1) Signs.
(2) City-owned structures and utilities.
(3) Accessory uses on the same lot (See Section 1278.10; Supplementary Regulations)
(c) The following uses when conducted no closer than within 100 feet of any R-district. Where the I-1 district abuts upon but is separated from any R-district by a street, the width of the street may be considered as part of the required setback.
(1) Storage and wholesaling.
(2) Laboratories for industrial or scientific research and development.
(3) Technology park.
(4) Park or playground.
(5) Temporary carnival.
(6) Administrative or business office or organization.
(7) Office or organization primarily engaged in accounting, architecture, advertising, law, medicine, dentistry, art, correspondence, design, editing, engineering, insurance, photography, realty, research or other similar uses.
(8) Professional office or clinic.
(9) Governmental offices.
(10) Repair of household appliances or bicycles.
(11) Dry cleaners or laundry.
(12) Food locker plant or cold storage plant.
(13) Antique store.
(14) Printing, copying, blueprinting.
(15) Automotive parts dealer.
(16) Garden supply sales.
(17) Plant greenhouse.
(18) Automobile, truck, trailer, boat or farm implement sales, service or storage, both new and used.
(19) Building material sales or lumberyard.
(20) Heating, plumbing, electrical equipment dealer.
(21) Wholesale sales office.
(22) Wholesale business under 20,000 square feet gross floor area.
(23) Storage garage, yards or vaults, including mini-storage.
(24) Newspaper printing.
(25) Truck terminal, but excluding warehousing.
(26) Warehousing.
A. Wholesale establishments.
B. Contractor's equipment storage yard or plant, or storage and rental of equipment commonly used by contractors.
C. Fuel, food and goods distribution station, warehouse and storage.
D. Motor freight garage, truck or transfer terminal office, warehousing and storage.
E. Storage and sale of grain and livestock feed, provided that dust is effectively controlled during all operations.
F. Except as may be otherwise regulated herein, the manufacturing, compounding, processing and assembly of products such as:
1. Bakery goods, candy, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, toiletries and food products, except fish and rendering or refining of fats or oils.
2. Products from the following previously prepared materials: bone, canvas, cellophane, cloth, cork, feathers, fiber, fur, glass, hair, horn, leather, plastics, precious or semiprecious metals or stones, sheet metal, shell, textiles, tobacco, wax, wood (where saw and planing mills are employed within a completely enclosed building), yarns.
3. Pottery and figurines, using previously pulverized clay and kilns fired only with gas or electricity.
4. Musical instruments, toys, novelties, rubber or metal stamps and other small rubber products.
5. Electrical and electric appliances, instruments and devices, television sets, radios, phonographs, household appliances.
6. Electric and neon signs, billboards and other commercial advertising structures.
7. Laboratories and processing: experimental, film or testing, provided that no operations shall be conducted or equipment used which would create hazards or noxious or offensive conditions.
8. Electronics equipment and computers.
(28) Welding or metal working shop.
(29) Carpenter, cabinet, upholstering, sheet metal, plumbing, heating, roofing, air conditioning, sign painting, painting and other similar establishments.
(30) Foundry, casting lightweight nonferrous metals or an electric foundry not causing noxious fumes or odors.
(31) Gasoline sales when clearly incidental to the principal use of the premises.
(32) Repair services for machinery and equipment, including repair garages, and specialty establishments, such as motor, body and fender, radiator, motor tune ups, muffler shops and tire repairing, sales and service including vulcanizing.
(33) Bulk station.
(34) Stone and monument works employing power driven tools.
(35) Sawmill and the manufacture of wood products.
(36) Accessory uses on the same lot (See Section 1278.10; Supplementary Regulations)
(37) Uses not listed herein or in other sections of this code and which are comparable in character to those type listed may be permitted by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Comparability is further defined in Section 1278.01 of this Zoning Code.
(Ord. 2001-081. Passed 8-6-01.)
(38) Medical marijuana dispensing, cultivating and processing facilities.
(Ord. 2017-132. Passed 11-6-17.)
(1) Cellular phone transmission and wireless telecommunication towers subject to Section 1276.
(2) Off-street public parking lot or parking garage subject to Section 1274.04 (b), (h), (i), and (j).
(3) Gasoline service station subject to Section 1274.04(f).
(4) Brewing or distilling of liquors.
(5) Cement or bituminous or asphaltic concrete mixing.
(6) Coal yards.
(7) Crematory.
(8) Enameling, lacquering or japanning.
(9) Flour or grain mill.
(10) Forge or foundry works.
(12) Perfume manufacturing.
(13) Sewage disposal plant.
(14) Acid manufacture, except sulphurous, sulphuric, nitric, picric, carbolic, hydrochloric or other corrosive acid manufacture.
(15) Animal black, lampblack, bone black or graphite manufacturing.
(16) Fertilizer or compost manufacturing or storage.
(17) Grain drying or poultry feed manufacturing, from refuse, mash or grain.
(18) Car wash.
(19) Single-family housing.
(20) Uses not listed herein or in other sections of this code and which are comparable in character to those type listed may be permitted by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Comparability is further defined in Section 1278.01 of this Zoning Code.
(e) Area, Density, Setback and Height Regulations.
(1) Minimum lot area per dwelling unit. 2,500 square feet.
(2) Minimum lot area. 12,000 square feet.
(3) Minimum lot frontage. Eighty feet.
(4) Minimum lot width at the building line. 100 feet.
(5) Minimum lot depth. 120 feet.
(6) Minimum front yard depth. Fifty feet.
(7) Minimum rear yard depth. Twenty-five feet; Fifty feet if abuts a residential or commercial zone.
(8) Minimum side yard width. Twenty-five feet; Fifty feet if abuts a residential or commercial zone.
(9) Minimum living floor area per dwelling unit, exclusive of basement.
Single Family 1,000 square feet
Multifamily 550 square feet.
(10) Maximum height. Seventy feet.
(f) Industrial Use Performance Standards All industrial uses shall conform to all of the following standards:
(1) Regulation. All industrial operations shall be in compliance with all State of Ohio and federal government regulations as required by the most recent regulations made available by these governmental bodies, including but not limited to noise, air pollution, vibration, radiation, and the pollution of groundwater, surface water and soils.
(2) Odor. Emissions of odorous gases or other odorous matter in such quantities as to be offensive beyond the property line shall not be permitted.
(3) Toxic gases. Noxious, toxic, or corrosive fumes or gases shall be contained to the site.
(4) Glare and heat. All industrial uses shall carry on no operations that would produce heat or glare beyond the property line of the lot on which the industrial operation is located.
(5) Waste product. Storage of waste materials shall not be permitted except in an enclosed building or approved containers unless otherwise authorized by the Planning and Zoning Commission. No potentially dangerous effluent shall be discharged.
(6) Screening. Where an industrial parcel is contiguous to a residential or commercial district or a public right-of-way, all outdoor storage areas shall be screened from such districts and said public right-of-way by a landscape screen or other visual barrier with plantings.
(7) Access and traffic. Access to and from the site shall be designed in a manner conducive to safe ingress and egress.
(8) Explosive, hazardous, and radioactive material. The manufacturing, storage, processing, transfer or sale of explosive, hazardous, or radioactive material is prohibited.
(9) Outside storage. The outside storage of tires and other materials , processed or unprocessed, is prohibited unless otherwise approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(10) Written Evidence. The developer shall submit written evidence of compliance with the above provisions prior to issuance of a permit.
(Ord. 2001-081. Passed 8-6-01.)