(a)   Purpose. This District is established to accommodate single-family residential dwellings at a low density.
   All buildings, structures or premises shall be used, arranged to be used or designed to be used only for one or more of the following permitted or conditionally permissible uses.
   (b)   Permitted Uses Within an R-2 Residential District.
      (1)   Single-family residential dwellings.
      (2)   Signs for residential purposes only.
      (3)   City-owned structures and utilities.
      (4)   Accessory uses on the same lot. (See Section 1278.10; Supplementary Regulations)
      (5)   Family foster homes.
   (c)   Conditionally Permissible Uses. The Planning and Zoning Commission may issue conditional zoning certificates for uses listed herein subject to the general regulations of Chapter 1274 and to the specific requirements of Section 1274.04 as listed below.
      (1)   Planned unit development subject to Section 1274.04(x).
      (2)   Home occupation subject to Section 1274.04(s).
      (3)   Public utility, facility, right of way or pertinent structure subject to Section 1274.04(j).
      (4)   Public or parochial school, college or university subject to Section 1274.04(b) and (e).
      (5)   Institution for higher education subject to Section 1274.04(b).
      (6)   Church or building for religious worship subject to Section 1274.04(b), (i), (j) and (o).
      (7)   Public library or museum subject to Section 1274.04(b), (i), (j) and (o).
      (8)   Park or playground subject to Section 1274.04(b), (g) and (i).
      (9)   Golf course, except miniature, subject to Section 1274.04(b).
      (10)   Swimming pool or tennis club subject to Section 1274.04(b), (g), (h), (i), (j) and (o).
      (11)   Athletic field or public recreation building subject to Section 1274.04(b), (g), (h), (i), (j), and (o).
      (12)   Cemetery subject to Section 1274.04(b).
   (d)   Area, Density, Setback and Height Regulations.
      (1)   Minimum lot area per dwelling unit. 10,000 square feet.
      (2)   Minimum lot area. 10,000 square feet.
      (3)   Minimum lot frontage. Fifty feet.
      (4)   Minimum lot width at the building line. Seventy-five feet.
      (5)   Minimum lot depth. 120 feet.
      (6)   Minimum front yard depth. Forty feet.
      (7)   Minimum rear yard depth.
         A.   Twenty-five feet for a dwelling unit.
         B.   Ten feet for an accessory use.
      (8)   Minimum side yard width. Ten feet.
      (9)   Floor area requirements for dwelling units exclusive of basements. 2,000 square feet.
      (10)   Maximum height. Thirty-five feet or two and one-half stories.
      (11)   Improvement Credit. New single-family homes built in R-2 residential districts may receive a credit of 250 square feet to be used in the calculation of the living area of the home if an attached two-car garage and a paved driveway are included as part of the original construction.
         (Ord. 2001-081. Passed 8-6-01; Ord. 2004-092. Passed 8-2-04.)