Today, Ravenna serves as the commercial center for a large surrounding area. Ravenna is also the employment center for much of Portage County's population. Additional population increase and the addition of further industrial and commercial construction will significantly increase the development problems in this area. It is essential to the well-being of the Ravenna area that such development shall take place in an orderly and coordinated manner so as to place no undue burden upon residents, developers, industries or commerce. It is the purpose of this Zoning Code to provide for the orderly development of the area; to assure the provision of adequate sites for industry, commerce and residence; to provide for free movement of vehicles upon the streets and highways of the area; to protect industry, commerce and residences against incompatible uses of land; and to assure the provision of adequate space for the parking of vehicles of customers using the commercial, retail and industrial areas. In addition to the above, it is recognized that it is the purpose of industry and commerce to provide the means for decent and respectable lives for the residents of a community. In the interest of public health, safety, morals and the general welfare, it is essential that all districts be considered equal since all districts perform an equally important function within the community, and that all districts be adequately protected in order to enable them to best perform their function within the community. It is also essential that all of the uses of land and buildings within the Ravenna area be so related as to provide for economy in government and so that they may mutually support each other in order that the fullest benefit may be derived from industrial, commercial and living areas. Finally, it is the goal of the City to eliminate and reduce spot zoning, wherever possible.
(Ord. 2001-081. Passed 8-6-01.)