Subject to ordinances of the City which may limit, expand or modify the following, the Commission shall exercise and is hereby authorized to undertake those powers and provisions as set forth in Ohio R.C. 713.02 to 713.10, except those functions, powers and authority granted under the Zoning Code to the Board of Zoning Appeals, including, but not limited to, the establishment of plans and maps or modifications thereto of the Municipality and related land with respect to its purpose outside of the Municipality, and in accordance with Ohio R.C. 713.02 to 713.10, inclusive, which sections are hereby incorporated herein.
The Commission shall also have all the powers and duties of the Platting Commission as set forth in Ohio R.C. 735.17 to 735.26, inclusive. The City Engineer shall be the Platting Commissioner of the City and shall exercise those powers and duties set forth in Ohio R.C. 735.17.
The Commission shall also have the authority to grant or deny the issuance of conditional use certificates as provided in Chapter 1274.
The Commission shall also review and, as a necessary condition prior to the issuance of a building permit by the Chief Building Official, approve all site plans for all buildings and improvements to land located within the Municipality other than single-family residences, private garages or uses or buildings accessory thereto, including planned unit developments, by examining such site plans for compliance with the ordinances of the City and the laws of the State, including, but not limited to, Section 1262.03 as to requirements for site plan submissions.
The Commission shall also review and supervise for compliance with applicable Municipal ordinances and laws of the State all proposals and applications for subdivisions within the City and within three miles of the City limits.
The Commission is also authorized to make recommendations for approval to Council for requests made to the Commission for zoning and rezoning of land, waivers of the building requirements of the Zoning Code, including, but not limited to, height, bulk, design, setbacks and location of buildings; dedication, vacation, narrowing and expanding of public ways; and designation of certain existing structures as historical landmarks.
The Commission shall also, at the request of Council, perform such studies and prepare such reports as are submitted by Council to the Commission.
The Commission may also control, appoint or employ such architects, engineers, social scientists, surveyors and other professionals, as professionals are defined as qualifying for incorporation as a professional association by the Ohio Revised Code, and may appoint such clerks, draftsmen and other subordinates as are necessary for the performance of the functions of the Commission. The expenditures for such services or employment shall be borne either by funds appropriated by Council or by the particular applicant to the Commission for services declared necessary by the Commission for study and review of the proposal of the applicant and as a condition thereto. However, in such case as the Commission determines, as a condition for review and study of a proposal by an applicant, that such applicant bear such expenditures, a vote of five members of the Commission is necessary to provide for such condition.
The Commission may also approve a use not specifically listed as permitted in a zoning district, other than a residential zoning district, provided that the Commission determines that the proposed use is similar to and in harmony with those permitted uses in the same district as to amount of traffic generated, employees required, hours of operation and services required. Any such approval of the Commission of such use shall be subject to veto by Council at the Council meeting immediately following the approval of such use by the Commission.
(Ord. 1984-48. Passed 10-15-85.)