(a)   The requesting not-for-profit organization will complete the application available on line or at City Hall. (see attached Application)
   (b)   The Application requires the submittal of a digital image of the Banner to be displayed. If there is no digital image as part of the application, the application will be rejected and not moved on for review. The Service Director’s Administrative Assistant will review the applications for completeness upon submittal.
   (c)   The request will be reviewed by the City’s Board of Control for appropriateness and accept or reject the request.
   (d)   Once the request is granted the Service Director’s office will notify the requestor and provide them with the timeline for installation.
   (e)   The banners must fit the size specification within the application. Once notified the NPO organization will bring the banners to City Hall.
   (f)   The Service Director’s office will notify the Street Superintendent that the banners are at City Hall and ready for installation.
   (g)   The Street Department staff will install the banners within 24 hours of approval/notification.
   (h)   The banners will be removed by the Street Department Staff sometime after the event but no longer than one week.
   (i)   The banners will be returned to the NPO organization, it is the NPO responsibility to pick the banner’s up at City Hall. If banners are not picked up within one week of notice, they will be discarded. The City will not store banners until next year’
(Ord. 2016-087. Passed 6-6-16.)