(a)   In order to pay the expenses of operating and maintaining the utility, to pay other costs of conducting and managing the utility and to make adequate provision for the payment of the principal of, interest on and other fund requirements of the waterworks system temporary first mortgage revenue bonds, waterworks improvement notes and any other bonds and notes which may be issued to pay costs of constructing extensions to or improvements of the utility, rates and charges for the products and services of the Municipal waterworks system for all users shall be established from time to time by Council, subject to the provisions of this section.
(Ord. 2000-47. Passed 3-6-00.)
      (1)   Users outside City. All users located outside the corporate limits of the City shall pay the rates established by Council, as aforesaid, plus a surcharge of 50%, except for the Rootstown Water Company. A separate agreement shall be entered into with the Rootstown Water Company.
         (Ord. 2008-029. Passed 5-5-08.)
      (2)   C.O.L.A. There is hereby established a C.O.L.A., to become effective January 1, 2009, and thereafter, increasing water rates equal to the increase in the consumer price index for all urban consumers (CPI-U) for the previous twelve (12) months. Water rates will not be reduced in the event that the CPI-U is negative. The water rate for the year 2016 was established at $35.91/MCF.
         (Ord. 2015-152. Passed 12-7-15.)
      (3)   Minimum billing; senior citizen discount; disabilities discount; Heap discount. The minimum billing amount shall be 300 cubic feet. There is hereby established a 10% (ten percent) discount for senior citizens, a 10% (ten percent) discount for individuals who can document they are on Social Security Disability; and a 10% (ten percent) discount for those individuals who qualify for the HEAP program. Should a dwelling unit qualify for the HEAP discount, the senior citizens discount or the disabilities discount, only one discount may be given per dwelling unit.
         (Ord. 2008-148. Passed 12-1-08.)
      (4)   Refunds. The City of Ravenna Water Billing Office shall not be required to mail refunds of five dollars ($5.00) or less on accounts that have been closed. The basis for said action is that the cost of administratively issuing said checks and forwarding them to the former water customer exceeds the amount refunded.
(Ord. 2015-190. Passed 12-7-15.)
      (5)   Bulk water.
         A.   Water picked up at the water treatment plant by a tanker, or other similar vehicle, contractor hydrant use, shall pay the rate of ten dollars ($10.00) per 1,000 gallons. The minimum charge shall be ten dollars ($10.00).
         B.   Water distributed by hydrants to property owners or residents for filling pools or other similar private use, shall pay the rate of ten dollars ($10.00) per 1,000 gallons. The minimum charge shall be ten dollars ($10.00). (Ord. 2001-098. Passed 7-2-01.)
      (6)   Deposit fees. Deposits will be required on all meter/backflow prevention assemblies per the following table. Deposits will be refunded upon the return of an undamaged assembly. Return of a damaged assembly will result in the forfeiture of the deposit. The minimum charge for water used with a meter/backflow assembly shall be fifty dollars ($50.00).
Meter/Backflow Assembly (in.)    Deposit
   ¾          $ 500.00
   1            500.00
   1½            625.00
   2            750.00
      (7)   Fire flow data. Fire flow data will be provided to requesting organizations at no cost if recent data are available in the database. If newly generated data are required, a fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) per hydrant tested will be charged for the test information.
      (8)   A fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) will be charged for a return visit for meter installation when the return is a result of an error or incorrect information supplied by the person requesting the installation.
         (Ord. 1999-131. Passed 10-4-99; Ord. 2004-097. Passed 6-7-04.)
      (9)   Declining Block Rate, Special. There is hereby established a declining block billing rate for a high volume industrial user. The minimum bill will be for 10,000 cubic feet in the amount of $361.60 for the user billed under the Special Declining Block Rate. The declining block rate will increase when the water rate increases with the CPI or Council action.
1,000 cubic feet
Rate per 1,000 cubic feet
From 0
From 10
From 20
From 40
From 80
120 and over
         (Ord. 2016-034. Passed 3-7-16.)
      (10)   Water Shut-Off and Turn-On Fees. A fee of $25.00 will be charged for turning on water service by the City Water Department for any reason. This is a single charge assessed when the water is turned on after a turn-off. In the case of delinquent water accounts, a fee of $25.00 will be charged if a city employee is dispatched and enters the property of a water customer to shut off the water for non-payment. This fee is applicable even if the customer pays the delinquent amount at the time to avoid the shut-off. For delinquent account shut-offs, the shut-off fee will be increased incrementally by $25.00 for each subsequent shut-off in any twelve (12) month consecutive period. Therefore, a second shut-off within twelve (12) months will result in a fee of $50.00; a third will result in a fee of $75.00, etc. (Ord. 2009- 158. Passed 9-8-09.)
      (11)   Fire Line Fees. Fire lines are a separate water service line connection to buildings with the sole purpose of providing water for fire protection. Fire lines are billed a monthly minimum charge based upon their diameter equal to the minimum for a meter of the same diameter as specified in the City of Ravenna Water Rates. This charge will be adjusted periodically with the water rates.
         (Ord. 2010-039. Passed 3-1-10.)
   (b)   The Director of Public Service is hereby authorized and directed to cause the rates and charges established by Council, pursuant to subsection (a) hereof to be made and collected in accordance with the regulations of the utility and as set forth herein, and the Director is hereby authorized and directed to take such actions as may be necessary to implement such rates and charges and to temporarily adjust the billing procedure if necessary to accomplish that result.
   (c)   The funds received from the collection of the rates and charges hereinabove provided for and the proceeds of the one-fourth of one percent increase in the income tax heretofore approved by the electors, and any other income tax revenues appropriated by Council, shall be deposited as received with the Finance Director, who shall keep the same in a separate fund designated as the Water Revenue Fund. Subject to the provisions of any ordinance or indenture of mortgage authorizing the issuance and securing of mortgage revenue bonds for the utility, moneys in the Fund shall be used for the payment of the cost and expense of operation, maintenance, repair and management of the utility and for payment of the debt and other charges on bonds and notes issued for improvements of, and extensions to, the utility. Any surplus in the Fund over and above the requirements herein mentioned may be used for arrangements of, and replacements to, the utility and parts thereof.
   (d)   No free product or service of any kind shall be rendered by the utility to any customer, including any public or private corporation, any public or private school, any governmental body or agency or any institution, charitable or otherwise, except the City or any department thereof.
(Ord. 1982-25. Passed 3-24-82.)
   (e)   Effective July 1, 1993, all water users, including residential, commercial and industrial users shall be billed monthly.
(Ord. 1997-47. Passed 3-3-97.)
   (f)   All bills shall be due and payable within fifteen calendar days after the bill is rendered. If the bill is paid within fifteen calendar days after it is rendered, payment of the net bill, consisting of the charges, shall constitute payment in full. If the bill is not paid within fifteen calendar days after it is rendered, payment of the gross bill, consisting of the charges plus ten percent thereof, shall constitute payment in full. All bills shall be paid within thirty calendar days after they are rendered.
(Ord. 1982-25. Passed 3-24-82.)
   (g)   In the case of leased residential units, the owner of each premises served is primarily liable for the City utility service charges incurred at such premises. City utility service accounts shall be established only in the name of the owner of the premises. The Service Director or designee shall provide or send duplicate bills to the service address, however the property owner’s primary liability for City utility service charges shall not be affected. Upon request by the property owner, the Service Director or designee can discontinue sending the duplicate bill to the service address. (Ord. 2018-062. Passed 8-6-18.)