(a) Every person engaged in the occupation of driving taxicabs shall pay an annual license fee therefor of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) to the license authority. The license authority shall provide the driver with a photo identification badge. Such badge shall be worn by the driver on his or her hat or coat in such a manner as is plainly visible.
In addition, the taxicab operator shall be responsible for providing a photo and fingerprints of all drivers employed by the operator to the license authority. The operator shall be responsible for providing a photograph (three inches by five inches) and the name in one- half inch capital letters of each driver, to be displayed on the passenger side visor while such driver is on duty.
(Adopting Ordinance)
(b) Every person owning and operating taxicabs who obtains a license from the City may adopt any trade name, design or scheme or method of painting or lettering such taxicabs that is approved by the Director of Public Safety, which shall include:
(1) A serial body number assigned by the Director to each taxicab, painted on each side and on the rear of the taxicab.
(2) The name of the owner or the trade name under which he or she does business, painted on each side of the taxicab.
(3) Uniformity in the appearance of all taxicabs.
(Ord. 1979-45. Passed 5-23-79.)