A taxicab certificate of public convenience and necessity may be suspended for a period of not more than sixty days by the Director of Public Safety for any of the following reasons:
   (a)   When subsequent investigation proves that the record of the holder or of a driver of one of his or her vehicles is unsatisfactory or that statements made in the holder's application for a certificate are false.
   (b)   When the holder or any of his or her agents or employees fails to drive a vehicle in compliance with this chapter, the Traffic Code, other City ordinances or the laws of the State.
   (c)   When the holder or any of his or her agents or employees drives a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or a drug of abuse or acts in an improper or insulting manner toward passengers or others.
   (d)   When the holder or any of his or her agents or employees permits a vehicle to be used for any immoral or illegal purpose.
   (e)   When the holder ceases to operate such vehicles, as specified in the certificate of public convenience and necessity, for a period of thirty consecutive days without first obtaining the consent of the Director of Public Safety.
   (f)   When the holder fails to keep on deposit with the City a liability insurance policy or a surety bond as required by Section 856.05.
   Prior to suspension, the holder shall be given at least three days notice, in writing, and shall have an opportunity to be heard by the Director of Public Safety. The Director of Public Safety shall report the suspension to Council at its first meeting after the date of suspension. Council shall then set a date for a public hearing, and the Director shall notify all parties concerned of the date. Council shall have the authority to set aside or affirm the suspension or may extend it for a greater period of time or reduce it to a lesser period of time or may revoke the certificate entirely, after hearing all the evidence presented to Council at the public hearing or any continuation thereof.
(Ord. 1955-50. Passed 9-6-55.)