(a) Designation of Quiet Zones. The Director of Public Safety may designate zones of quiet upon any street within 250 feet of any hospital, school or other area, upon the written recommendation of a physician. When any quiet zone is so designated by official traffic signs, no person shall blow a horn or whistle or make or cause any outcry or any avoidable noise or clamor likely to disturb persons within the quiet zone.
(b) Creation of Special Lanes. Upon any street more than twenty-seven feet in width, the Director of Public Safety, upon determining that the free flow of traffic will be promoted thereby, may create additional lanes for traffic proceeding in one direction, or for right or left turning movements, and may mark lines separating opposing lanes of vehicular traffic at places other than the center of the improved roadway portion of the street. When such markings are in place and signs or pavement markings designate the movement to be made in such lanes, the operators of all vehicles shall obey the directions thereof, notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 432.02, 432.05 and 432.06.
(c) Establishment of Bus Stops. The Director of Public Safety is hereby authorized and required to establish bus stops on such public streets in such places and numbers as he or she determines to be of the greatest benefit and convenience to the public. Every bus stop shall be designated by appropriate signs.
(d) Regulation of Parking on Streets. In addition and subject to the specific provisions of this Traffic Code, particularly Section 452.22, the Director of Public Safety is hereby authorized to promulgate regulations designating street areas where:
(1) Parking shall be limited to specified periods of time;
(2) There shall be no parking at any time; or
(3) Parking shall be permitted on Sundays between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on both sides of streets adjacent to or near churches, the pavement of which streets is twenty-six feet or less in width, when in his or her judgment the public safety or welfare requires such limitation or permission.
No such regulation shall permit parking in any of the places specifically prohibited by this Traffic Code or by law, nor shall any such regulation limiting the time of parking or forbidding parking be deemed to apply on Sundays, holidays other than Saturday afternoon, or between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., unless the regulation and the sign evidencing the same specifically so state. No such regulation shall be construed to permit parking on both sides of streets, the pavement of which is twenty-six feet or less in width, except on the days and within the hours specifically stated therein. Such regulations shall become effective upon delivery of a copy to the Chief of Police, publication once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City and erection of signs sufficient in number to apprise the ordinarily observant person of the existence of the regulation and shall continue to have the force and effect of ordinances until they are rescinded by the Director of Public Safety or disapproved by ordinance of Council. A violation of any such regulation shall be subject to the provisions and penalties provided and prescribed in this Traffic Code and other law.
(Ord. 1994-93. Passed 7-5-94.)