(a)   The following employees shall be considered salaried employees:
      (1)   Chief of Police
      (2)   Assistant Chief of Police
      (3)   Chief of Fire Department
      (4)   Water Plant Superintendent
      (5)   Wastewater Treatment Plant Superintendent
      (6)   Street Department Superintendent
      (7)   Assistant Street Department Superintendent
      (8)   City Engineer/Chief Building Official
      (9)   Director of Public Services
      (10)   Director of Parks and Recreation
      (11)   Assistant Finance Director
      (12)   Clerk of Council
   (b)   Salaried employees shall be ineligible for overtime pay and time-and-one-half compensatory time, but are eligible for exempt compensatory time.
   (c)   Exempt comp time allows an employee to take time off during a regular shift in an amount equal to the excess hours worked on a previous shift as a result of either an emergency or extraordinary circumstance. Exempt comp time is not accrued on payroll earnings records and is not a compensable liability for the City.
   (d)   Exempt comp time must be approved by the employee's appointing authority.
   (e)   Exempt comp time must be taken within thirty calendar days following the time earned. An extension of an additional thirty days may be granted by the appointing authority for extraordinary circumstances.
   (f)   Any individual required to attend an evening meeting will earn exempt compensatory time or compensatory time (as defined in Section 620.07) as detailed below:
      (1)   The Service Director and City Engineer/CBO will be required to attend Finance and Council meetings. These positions will earn two hours of exempt comp time for each meeting attended.
            NOTE: A department head that has an item on the agenda will not be required to attend unless the Committee Chairperson presenting the item requests of the Mayor to have that individual present.
      (2)   Any other employee who is eligible for exempt comp time attending an evening meeting will earn two hours exempt comp time, only if they have been personally notified by the Mayor that their attendance is required.
      (3)   Any other employee who is eligible for compensatory time attending an evening meeting will earn the appropriate compensatory time only if they have been personally notified by the Mayor that their attendance is required. The time earned will be based on the duration of their attendance.
         (Ord. 2000-163. Passed 12-4-00; Ord. 2005-031. Passed 4-4-05; Ord. 2006-034. Passed 3-6-06; Ord. 2006-213. Passed 12-29-06; Ord. 2020-034. Passed 3-23-20.)