(a) If a funeral home is contacted regarding an indigent burial, the City of Ravenna Health Director of Public Service (Program Administrator hereinafter) should be contacted immediately. Before any arrangements for services are made, a member of the deceased’s family or a friend should complete an Indigent Burial Application at the funeral home. Also, the funeral home shall instruct the applicant to bring a signature identification such as a driver’s license, and any documents regarding the deceased’s financial status. However, if it is impossible to contact the Program Administrator prior to making of arrangements for services, the funeral home may proceed and contact the Program Administrator as soon as possible.
(b) The Program Administrator shall make a determination as to the indigence through the following:
(1) The financial documents and information gathered by the funeral home.
(2) If the deceased is a resident of a nursing home or assisted living facility, the facility account balance needs to be verified and an inquiry made, into who is paying the facility charges.
(3) The deceased must have been a Ravenna City resident.
(4) The resident must not own real estate.
If the deceased is indigent, then the Program Administrator will notify the funeral home to proceed with the funeral. He/she will also notify Maple Grove Cemetery (Cemetery hereinafter) of said burial and forward to the Cemetery the indigent burial request form. However, if there are sufficient funds from other sources, no funds will be contributed by the City of Ravenna (City hereinafter) and the funeral home and Cemetery will be notified immediately.
(c) The deceased must be buried at Maplegrove Union Cemetery in Ravenna, Ohio. The City shall provide, at the grave of the deceased, a stone or concrete marker on which the deceased’s name and age, if known, and the date of the deceased’s death shall be inscribed. A marker may be donated by others.
(d) The City of Ravenna Indigent Burial Program (Program hereinafter) is not supplemental. Funeral home personnel shall not ask for or accept any funds above the amounts set forth herein. The amounts of $1,000.00 for the burial or cremation of an adult; $500.00 for the burial of a child (1-18 years); $450.00 for the creation of a child (1-18 years) and $150.00 for a baby (fetus to one year). This includes transportation of the deceased to Ravenna or any unanticipated fees or charges. Furthermore, the funeral home and the City shall make every effort to locate funds from other sources. The City may also file an estate lien with the Probate Court if it feels funds may be available. If funds are located, the City is paid back first and then the Cemetery. Any monies reimbursed to the City will go to the General Fund.
(e) Upon completion of the funeral, the funeral home shall submit an itemized bill to the Program Administrator containing the following information:
(1) Name of deceased.
(2) Age of deceased.
(3) Place of burial.
(4) Services performed.
(5) Total cost of funeral.
(6) Amount received from other sources.
(7) Amount due from City.
Said itemized bill shall not be submitted until thirty (30) days after the services provided.
(f) Violations of the Program, at the discretion of the Law Director, can result in suspension or permanent termination of the funeral home from the Program.
(g) All indigent burials funded by the City shall be at Maple Grove Cemetery in Ravenna, Ohio. The Cemetery shall notify the Program Administrator of the date and time of the indigent burial so the City may send witnesses, if desired. The Cemetery shall also give the City a copy of the Interment request form, burial permit, itemization of the Cemetery’s usual and customary charges for said burial (to include grave charge, opening/closing, foundation charge for stone and any other charges incurred) and a signed statement from the Cemetery Superintendent as proof of burial and billing for any future found funds.
(h) All information on the application form shall be made in blue ink and shall be filed with the original death certificate. A copy of this form will be provided to the funeral home at no cost.
(i) If the person completing the application wishes to accept the cremains of the deceased, they will complete a form for declination of services, relieving the City of Ravenna and Maple Grove Union Cemetery from any future actions or financial obligations.
(Ord. 2016-148. Passed 10-3-16.)