Article XXIV
   For any elected or appointed official of the City for whom this Charter does not already provide for a removal procedure, the office of such elected or appointed official shall be declared vacated by resolution of Council upon determination that said elected or appointed official:
   (a)   Does not possess, or has ceased to possess, the qualifications of office;
   (b)   While in office has been convicted of a felony or other crime involving moral turpitude;
   (c)   Has been adjudicated legally incompetent;
   (d)   Is guilty of conflict of interest, gross misconduct, gross neglect of duty or misfeasance, malfeasance or nonfeasance in office; or
   (e)   Has violated the oath of office.
   The decision of Council to remove the elected or appointed official shall be made only upon concurrence of two-thirds of members of Council, after public hearings upon the charge or charges brought, provided that the elected or appointed official shall have been notified, in writing, of the charge or charges at least fifteen (15) days in advance of such public hearing, and provided further, that the elected or appointed official and the elected or appointed official’s counsel shall have been given the opportunity to present evidence and examine witnesses appearing in support of the charge.
(Amended November 3, 1987; November 6, 2012)