Ord. No. Date Description
Unno. 7-2-09 Hickory Alley.
Unno. 7-2-09 Clinton Ave.
74 7-7-13 An alley from the west line of Hill St. to the east line of C. A. & M. V. R.R.
119 12-7-14 Part of Cherry Alley.
178 4-3-16 An alley between Riddle Ave. and Spruce St.
291 11-4-18 Riddle Ave.
321 11-10-19 Lynn Alley.
471 2-4-24 Part of Buckeye St.
1115 2-6-39 Part of Plum Way.
20-1946 7-1-46 Walnut St. Extension.
26-1946 8-5-46 Portion of S. Walnut St.
38-1946 11-4-46 Austin Ct. from 150 ft. west of Madison St. to 382 ft. west of Madison St.
1950-12 3-6-50 Myrtle St. from Bennett Ave. to the end.
1950-59 11-6-50 Cieweli Ave. from Scranton St. to a point 100 ft. east.
1951-18 6-4-51 South side of Hazen St.
1954-62 8-2-54 An alley between Leasure St. and Portage St.
1957-56 9-5-57 Part of McKinley Ave.
1958-33 4-7-58 Part of Robinson Ave.
1969-22 4-7-69 Part of Central Ave.
1970-4 2-2-70 Robinson Ave. between Clinton and Elm Sts.
1971-57 12-27-71 Part of Parkway South from Harris St. to the end thereof.
1972-76 10-2-72 A portion of Birch Ave.
1974-99 12-3--74 An unnamed alley east of South Prospect St., south from Ohio Ave.
1976-53 4-12-76 Fairview St. from E. Main to E. Highland Ave.
1977-109 8-1-77 An unnamed alley between Fourth and Garden Sts.
1978-88 12-4-78 A portion of Hickory Ln. south of Bacon Ln.
1978-97 10-17-78 Part of Harding Ave. west of Bryn Mawr, and part of Glendale St. north of Highland Ave.
1983-2 3-7-83 A portion of Maple Ln., running westerly from Myrtle St.
1983-44 8-1-83 A portion of Elarris St. between Walton and King Sts.
1984-4 7-2-84 A portion of S. Plum Way between E. Lynn Ln. and E. Riddle Ave.
1988-126 1-9-89 A portion of Lynn Ln., running westerly from Liberty Ave.
1991-57 8-5-91 An unnamed alley on the east side of Vine St. between parcels of land owned by L. DeSimio.
1991-60 8-5-91 Approval of a plat which vacates the westerly 164.43 ft. of an unnamed alley that terminates at Western St.
1991-83 9-3-91 An undeveloped portion of Harris St. between Page and King Sts.
1991-120 2-3-92 Northerly portion of Elm St. from the M. Armbruster property north approximately 175 ft.
1995-148 11-6-95 Westerly portion of Mill Rd. extending 188.85 ft. easterly from the terminus with the right of way for the railroad.
1995-193 1-2-96 Section of W. Central Ave. running north from Cleveland Rd.
1998-085 6-1-98 Portion of Central Ave. known as Lot 20S.
1999-051 6-7-99 Portion of Lynn Ln., from S. Chestnut St. to Hickory Way.
1999-077 6-21-99 Portion of Lynn Ln., from S. Chestnut St. to Hickory Way. Repeals Ord. 1999-051.
1999-085 9-7-99 Portion of Cedar St., west of Grove St.
2003-139 6-7-04 Portion of Locust Lane right-of-way consisting of .0661 acres and a total of 2,879 square feet, from Walnut Street East.
2007-046 8-20-07 A portion of Plum Way between Main St. and Maple Lane consisting of 1.2710 acres.
2007-186 2-4-08 Portion of Lynn Lane between Meridian Street and Park Way.
2014-203 12-1-14 Portion of a dedicated street known as Park Way, between Harris Avenue and Mulberry Lane.
2018-025 3-5-18 A portion of Oak Manor Drive.
2019-052 5-6-19 Two easements held by the City at 6800 North Chestnut Street.
2021-053 - -21 The paper street known as Edgewood Avenue between Maple Street and Linden Street.