(A)   Cultivation, production, processing, manufacturing, distribution and retail sales of cannabis for any end-use purpose by a licensed producer or seller shall take place only within designated zoning districts as specified in this code.
   (B)   No cannabis-related operation, facility, or commercial or industrial application shall take place at locations that are within 300 feet of any school or daycare center that existed within the 300-foot area before the licensee became enabled by statutory authorization to operate at the location.
   (C)   No cannabis-related operation, facility, or commercial or industrial application shall take place at locations that are within 300 feet of any residential designated zone, including R-HZ, R-1, R-4, R-5, R-O-I, RM-1, MHS, and MHP zones, that existed within the 300 foot area before the licensee became enabled by statutory authorization to operate at the location.
   (D)   No cannabis-related operation, facility, or commercial or industrial application shall take place at a location that is within 300 feet of any existing cannabis-related operation or facility as determined by the distance from the nearest points from property boundary to property boundary.
   (E)   Permissible zoning classifications for cannabis related land uses shall be limited to the following:
      (1)   Cannabis retail shall be allowed within a C-2 General Commercial District and C-3 General and Highway Servicing District. Cannabis retail is prohibited in other zones, except as provided in this code.
      (2)   Cannabis cultivation facility shall be allowed within the H-1 Heavy Industrial District. Cannabis cultivation facility is prohibited in other zones, except as provided in this code.
      (3)   Cannabis-derived product manufacturing shall be allowed within an L-I Light Industrial District and H-1 Heavy Industrial District. Cannabis-derived product manufacturing is prohibited in other zones, except as provided in this code.
(Ord. 1014, passed 8-24-2021)