(A)   The Code Enforcement Officer may evaluate all buildings in the city believed to be vacant and make a determination for each as to whether the building is a "vacant building" within the meaning of this chapter. The Officer may determine that a building which meets any of the criteria set forth in this chapter is not to be regulated under this chapter for a stated period, if upon consideration of reliable, substantiated and sufficient evidence, the Officer determines that regulation of the building under this chapter would not serve the public health, welfare, and safety and makes written findings in support of his/her decision. Any such determination shall be in writing and shall state the factual basis for the determination. For buildings the Officer determines to be "vacant buildings," he/she shall send notice of the written determination, with the factual findings, to the last owner of record listed by the County Recorder of Deeds, failure of delivery shall not excuse a person from complying with this chapter. The Officer may personally serve or cause personal service of the notice of determination.
   (B)   The notice shall contain a statement of the obligations of the owner of a building determined to be a vacant building, a copy of the registration form the owner is required to file pursuant to this chapter, and a notice of the owner's right to appeal the Officer's determination.
(Ord. 1012, passed 4-27-2021)