§ 50.35 GENERAL.
   (A)   The city hereby establishes user fees to fund the public collection of solid waste.
   (B)   Monthly billing fees for solid waste services shall be established herein. There shall be fees for all persons, residents, commercial establishments or any entity for which the city collects solid waste. Except as provided herein, each user shall pay a fee for each residential and commercial unit, or any entity for which the city collects solid waste.
   (C)   The fees charged pursuant to this section shall be in such amounts as shall apportion the entire cost of the solid waste collection and disposal services and among the users of such services in a fair and equitable manner. The factors for such apportionment may include the cost of collecting solid waste, the fees charged to the city for disposal of solid waste, administrative and labor costs, capital costs for maintaining the system, costs for regulatory compliance, the frequency of collection, the type of waste collected, revenues derived from recycling, other sources of revenue, fixed and incremental costs of service, and other appropriate factors.
   (D)   Certain additional fees for incidental services or waste disposal occurrence shall be established by Resolution adopted by the City Commission. Fixed solid waste fees shall be billed on monthly Water Works bills where applicable, and the same shall be paid thusly. For all residential, commercial or others users of Water Works water services within the municipal boundaries, a minimum monthly fee shall be paid for each residential and commercial unit, or any other entity, for solid waste services. The solid waste fee shall not be abated or refunded by reason of there being a lack of use of any residence or building for a period of time unless the water has been disconnected from the residence or building. The city shall seek reimbursement from property owner for any costs incurred by a tenant.
   (E)   The same shall apply to all users, generators and units out of the municipal boundaries if users and generators utilize city solid waste services or if alternate solid waste services are unavailable. Water Works is hereby authorized to discontinue any or all water and sewer service to any premises if the entire water/ sewer and solid waste bill is not paid when due. Charges shall become delinquent as provided for water/ sewer charges, and to be subject to the same penalties as provided in the case of nonpayment of water/ sewer charges.
   (F)   In addition to any deposits required by existing ordinances to guarantee payment of water/ sewer charges, the city may require reasonable deposits toward payment of solid waste charges, and the city shall have the right to offset any such deposit or deposits against any part of a water, sewer and solid waste bill which is past due. If any water or sanitation service to any premises is discontinued for nonpayment of fees, the city may refuse to resume any of such services to those premises until the owner or occupant thereof shall have paid:
      (1)   All past due fees, for water, sewer and sanitation services accrued since the effective date of this section; and
      (2)   Any reasonable deposit required by the city as a guarantee for payment of future services.
   (G)   This method of collection of fees is hereby extended to include the costs of correcting or removing all accumulations of waste, debris, garbage, refuse, rubbish, filth, clutter or trash in or about public and private establishments, all residences or premises whatsoever that is necessary to protect and preserve the health, welfare, safety and cleanliness of the municipality. In the case of extensive or costly correction or removal, the city may use any other method for recovery of the cost of correcting or removing these nuisances that is allowed by law, plus penalties for violations as herein provided.
(Ord. 996, passed 10-24-2017)