(A)   Permanent installation of mobile homes. Permanent placement of mobile homes shall be permitted only on lands which are in a zoning district which permits such uses and structures. When a mobile home is placed in such a district it shall be subject to the requirements of the district.
      (1)   The construction of the mobile home shall comply with the state and federal mobile home safety standards in force at the time of manufacture.
      (2)   The mobile home unit shall be anchored as required by the Mobile Housing Division of the State of New Mexico, standards applicable at its date of placement. Applicants shall have all permits required by this chapter.
      (3)   Unless higher standards are required by the state, the required material for skirting shall be weather resistant and be kept in a good state of repair. Impregnated sheathing, hay bales and the like are prohibited. The skirting shall be completed within 30 days and shall be of similar material and color. All skirting material shall be approved by the Zoning Enforcement Officer prior to its being incorporated into the skirting.
      (4)   All lands which are located in zoning districts not providing for mobile home placement, and which lands are subject to an exception granted pursuant to this chapter prior to 12-28-1995, may continue in the uses provided for in the pre-amendment chapter; except, if for any reason, a mobile home is not present on such land for a continuous period of 180 days or more the exception shall be deemed to be abandoned and the zone of the land shall revert to that of the zoning district in which it is located; said land shall thereafter be subject to the requirements of that district.
   (B)   Temporary placement of mobile homes. Mobile homes may be placed temporarily on construction sites in any zoning district, provided the following requirements are met:
      (1)   All other requirements for the permanent placement of mobile homes shall be met.
      (2)   Said mobile homes may only be used as an office or for security purposes.
      (3)   Upon approval, a temporary permit shall be issued by the Zoning Enforcement Officer, for a period of 180 days subject to satisfactory compliance with the above requirements. The permit may be renewed by the officer for a period of up to, but not to exceed 90 days. Should a permit be required for a period of longer than 270 days, such a permit may be granted by the Extraterritorial Zoning Authority.
      (4)   In all cases, whether permits have expired or not, mobile homes placed temporarily under this provision must be removed no later than 30 days following project completion.
(Ord. 81-1, passed 7-10-1981; Am. Ord. 95-2, passed 12-28-1995)