(A)   Schedule of fees, charges, and expenses. The City Commission shall establish a schedule of fees, charges, and other matters pertaining to these regulations. This schedule of fees shall be posted in the office of the City Clerk/Treasurer and may be altered or amended by the City Commission, which action may be by majority vote of the City Commission.
Action or Service
Change of zoning
Variance or special exception
Zoning permit
Floodplain review (should property be determined to be located within a floodplain)
Assignment of address
(Am. Ord. 856, passed 6-25-1996; Am. Ord. 878, passed 1-27-1998; Am. Ord. 953, passed 10-14-2008)
   (B)   No action until fees paid. No permit, certificate, special exception, or variance shall be issued or granted, unless and until the costs, charges, fees, or expenses have bean paid in full; nor shall any action be taken on proposed amendments or on proceedings before the Board of Adjustment, unless and until applicable charges and fees have been paid.
(1981 Code, App. A) (Ord. 624, Art. XIV, § 6, passed 2-25-1975; Am. Ord. 699, passed 6-8-1982)