(A)   Applicants for rezoning to planned unit development shall submit to the Planning Commission a preliminary plan covering the entire tract proposed for development and indicating existing conditions and development for an additional area including at least 200 feet from tract boundaries. This preliminary plan shall be drawn at a scale of 50 feet or 100 feet to the inch, shall indicate topography at 2-foot contour intervals, and shall show existing drainage or other significant natural features.
   (B)   This plan shall show with appropriate dimensions an arrangement of buildings and their uses, off-street parking and loading facilities, internal circulation, ingress and egress from adjoining streets, service areas and facilities, drainage system, landscaping, fences and walls, the size, location, orientation and type of all signs proposed, proposed lighting of the premises, and relation to all property within 200 feet of the tract. If it is proposed to develop the planned unit development in stages, the stages and time of development shall be indicated.
   (C)   This plan shall show the identity of property owners and evidence of unified control of property within the proposed planned unit development.
(1981 Code, App. A) (Ord. 624, Art. X, § 3, passed 2-25-1975)