(A) The regulations of this district are designed to permit business use along major arterials where uses are undergoing transition form residential to business. Because of the undesirable effects of mixed- use commercial and residential, this district shall not be further expanded and shall be confined to the present district boundary.
(Am. Ord. 878, passed 1-27-1998)
(B) (1) Permitted principal uses and structures. Any use permitted in the C-1 District, including single-family, 2-family, and multi-family residences.
(2) Permitted accessory uses and structures. Uses and structures which are customarily accessory and clearly incidental and subordinate to permitted or permissible uses and structures.
(3) Dimensional requirements. The Residential Dimensional Requirements shall be the same as the RM-1 use districts. The following are the dimensional requirements for the Commercial District.
(a) Lot area. Other than as provided under “Special Exceptions Permissible by Board of Adjustment,” or as required to meet other requirements applicable in this district, there are no minimum lot requirements.
(b) Lot width. Minimum of 60 feet or as may be needed to satisfy other limitations of this chapter.
(Ord. 953, passed 10-14-2008)
(c) Yard requirements.
1. Front. Fifteen feet, if frontage of lot is 100 feet or more, or if adjacent land is not built upon, or if buildings on adjacent lots have provided front yards of 10 feet or more. If frontage of lot is less than 100 feet, and if a building on an adjacent lot, or buildings on adjacent lots, provide front yards less than 10 feet in depth, a front yard equal to the average of adjacent front yards shall be provided. If 1 side of a lot is adjacent to a street or adjacent to an undeveloped lot, and the other side of the lot is adjacent to a lot with a front yard of less than 10 feet, the front yard required shall be equal in depth to ½ of the sum of 15 feet and the depth of yard less than 10 feet in depth.
2. Side. None, if a building on an adjacent lot is built to the property line, or if the adjacent lot is vacant and the owner thereof agrees by deed restriction with enforcement running to the City that any building constructed will either be built in such a manner as to:
a. Leave no space between the building on this property and the building on the subject property; or
b. To leave at least 6 feet between the buildings involved. Unless no space is left between buildings on adjacent lots, a space of at least 6 feet shall be left between the building, either by provision of a 3 feet side yard for each or in the case of construction of a building adjacent to an existing building which has left less than 3 feet of side yard, but has not built to the property line involved, the new building shall provide a side yard sufficient to provide the 6 foot clearance.
3. Rear. Ten feet, except on the rear of a lot abutting a dwelling district, in which case there shall be a rear yard of not less than 25 feet or 20% of the depth of the lot, whichever is the least.
(Am. Ord. 953, passed 10-14-2008)
(d) Maximum lot coverage. All structures shall be no more than 60% of the square footage of the lot.
(Am. Ord. 953, passed 10-14-2008)
(e) Building height. No building shall exceed 45 feet in height from highest adjacent grade, except for flagpoles, antennas, chimneys, and similar accessories to buildings, which are exempted from this height limitation.
(Am. Ord. 953, passed 10-14-2008)
(4) Off-street parking and loading. Off-street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with the requirements in §§ 156.155 et seq.
(5) Special exceptions. After a public hearing, as required in § 156.213, other uses may be permitted under a special exception, if, in the opinion of the Board of Adjustment, the proposed use is not offensive or incompatible in keeping with the character of the district.
(Am. Ord. 899, passed 2-22-2000)
(1981 Code, App. A) (Ord. 624, Art. IX, § 10, passed 2-25-1975)