(A) This district is defined as certain land and structure that provides office space for professional services and for certain institutional functions, and residential accommodations, usually medium or high density in nature. The district normally includes older homes undergoing conversions to those convenience uses permitted below. The district is usually situated between business and residential areas, and the regulations are designed to permit development of the enumerated functions and still protect and be compatible with nearby residential districts.
(B) (1) Permitted uses and structures.
(a) Banks and other financial institutions;
(b) Barber and beauty college;
(c) Boarding houses;
(d) Churches and related uses;
(e) Clinic, medical and dental;
(f) Club or lodge;
(g) Dwelling, single-family;
(h) Dwelling, 2-family;
(i) Dwelling, multi-family;
(j) Funeral homes;
(k) Fire station;
(l) Home occupation;
(m) Laboratory, medical and dental;
(n) Library;
(o) Photographic studio;
(p) Public parks, playgrounds, playfields, and neighborhood, community and municipal or other public buildings, and uses in keeping with the character requirements of the district;
(q) Professional offices;
(r) Condominiums and townhouses;
(Am. Ord. 878, passed 1-27-1998)
(s) Self-storage units where all storage is enclosed and the facility fenced against unauthorized entry;
(Am. Ord. 878, passed 1-27-1998)
(t) Two-family dwellings (12,000 square feet minimum lot area per 2-family structure);
(Am. Ord. 878, passed 1-27-1998)
(u) Barber shops and its corresponding retail and service;
(Am. Ord. 902, passed 5-9-2000)
(v) Beauty salons and its corresponding retail and service; and
(Am. Ord. 902, passed 5-9-2000)
(w) Small retail shops conducted in less than 2,500 square feet of floor space.
(Am. Ord. 902, passed 5-9-2000)
(2) Permitted accessory uses and structures. Uses and structures which:
(a) Are customarily accessory and clearly incidental and subordinate to permitted or permissible uses and structures;
(b) Do not involve the conduct of business on the premises, except home occupations; and
(c) Are located on the same lots as the permitted use or structure, or on a contiguous lot in same ownership.
(3) Special exceptions. After a public hearing as required by § 156.213, other uses may be permitted under a special exception, if, in the opinion of the Board of Adjustment, the proposed use is not offensive or incompatible in keeping with the character of the district.
(4) Dimensional requirements.
(a) Lot area.
1. Single-family residential, office, and institutional - Minimum required lot area shall be 6,000 square feet (Same as R-5);
2. Multi-family residential - Minimum required lot area shall be 4,000 square feet (Same as RM-1).
(Am. Ord. 953, passed 10-14-2008)
(Ord. 953, passed 10-14-2008)
(Am. Ord. 953, passed 10-14-2008)
(d) Yard requirements. Requirements for all uses:
1. Minimum required depth of front yard: 25 feet.
2. Minimum required width of side yard: 8 feet.
3. Minimum required depth of rear yard: 15 feet.
(Am. Ord. 953, passed 10-14-2008)
(e) Maximum lot coverage.
1. Single-family residential, office, and institutional structures and their accessory buildings shall be no more than 30% of the total square footage of the lot. Other permitted or permissible buildings in connection with permitted or permissible uses, including their accessory buildings shall be no more than 30%;
2. Multi-family residential structures and their accessory buildings shall be no more than 50% of the total square footage of the lot. Other permitted or permissible buildings in connection with permitted or permissible uses, including their accessory buildings shall be no more than 50%.
(Am. Ord. 953, passed 10-14-2008)
(f) Building height. No building shall exceed 35 feet in height from highest adjacent grade, except for flagpoles, antennas, chimneys, and similar accessories which are exempt from this height limitation.
(Am. Ord. 953, passed 10-14-2008)
(5) Off-street parking and loading. Off-street parking and loading shall be provided according to the provisions in §§ 156.155 et seq.
(1981 Code, App. A) (Ord. 624, Art. IX, § 8, passed 2-25-1975; Am. Ord. 699, passed 6-8-1982)