(A)   Issuance. If any tree, hedge, shrubbery, planting, natural growth, sign, or other obstruction is installed, planted, placed, set out, or maintained or permitted to exist in violation of §§ 93.135 et seq., the Chief of Police shall give the owner of the premises upon which the obstruction exists written notice that the tree, hedge, shrubbery, planting, natural growth, sign, or other obstruction violates the requirements of §§ 93.135 et seq., creating a hazard to the safety of those persons using the streets. The notice shall inform the owner that if the obstruction is not destroyed or removed or trimmed to comply with the provisions of §§ 93.135 et seq. within 5 days from the date of notice, the city shall perform the required act and shall assess the cost thereof against the property.
(1981 Code, § 24-139)
   (B)   Service; sign posted. The notice to remove an obstruction issued under the provisions of §§ 93.135 et seq. shall be given to the owner of the premises on which the obstruction exists by personal service, and if written notice cannot be personally served upon the owner in the city, the notice shall be sent by registered mail to the owner at his or her last known address, and published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the city. In addition thereto, a sign shall be posted in the sidewalk space adjacent to the premises in question, stating that the obstruction is deemed a public nuisance and should be removed.
(1981 Code, § 24-140)