The drawing, map and accompanying material submitted with an application for short subdivision approval shall include, at a minimum, the following information:
   A.   Name, E-mail, Address, Telephone Number: The name, electronic mail (E-mail) address, address and telephone number of the applicant or corporate entities and all property owners, if different than the applicant. All corporations shall furnish a copy of the last annual corporation report as filed with the secretary of state.
   B.   Legal Descriptions: A legal description of the entire area being subdivided, and a legal description for each of the proposed lots, and a Certificate of Ownership authorizing the submittal of the application for said real property being subdivided.
   C.   Size Of Lots: The size of each lot indicated by square footage computation sufficiently accurate to determine that each lot meets the minimum established lot size requirements.
   D.   Survey: A record of survey conforming to the requirements of Idaho Code sections 55-1901 through 55-1910 shall be prepared and contain the following additional information:
      1.   All existing buildings and structural improvements.
      2.   Space for approval by the mayor and city council.
   E.   If a public hearing is required by the Commission or Council, the application will be required to provide the city with:
      1.   A title report from a licensed Kootenai County title company authorized to do business in the State, showing the names and mailing addresses of all property owners whose property is within or adjacent to the land being considered, excluding rights of way, and
      2.   A list of all site addresses for parcels located within or adjacent to the land being considered area, excluding rights of way, provided that this requirement shall be deemed as met if the applicant has shown a good faith effort in providing a complete list of the required site addresses. (Ord. 609, 8-10-2022)