(A)   Garbage and trash will be picked up once weekly.
   (B)   Garbage receptacles shall be placed where they can be conveniently reached by the garbage collector. Garbage receptacles shall be appropriately placed by 7:00 a.m. on the morning designated as the pick-up day at the occupant’s location and shall be promptly removed to the back or side yard of said location after having been emptied by the garbage collector. No garbage receptacles are to remain on any sidewalk or in front of any home permanently.
   (C)   There is a limit of two regulation 95-gallon containers per household. Any non-regulation container or more than two containers will not be picked up. Any container in excess of 100 pounds will not be picked up. Garbage not in the container or lying on the ground will not be picked up.
   (D)   Only garbage from town residents will be picked up. Anyone caught bringing garbage into the town from outside the town limits will be subject to a fine of up to $250 per incident.
   (E)   Residential construction and demolition debris (C&D), metal, furniture, or appliances that are being discarded will be picked up one day per week and such material will only be picked up when discarded by the homeowner who lives in the residence.
   (F)   White goods or bulk refuse which cannot be placed in containers will be collected on the designated collections days, provided that such collections shall be limited to no more than one-half truck load per month per residence. If additional service is required and requested by the owner or occupant of the premises, such collections will be made and the town will charge fees for this additional collection as provided for in the annual fee schedule. A copy of the current additional collection fees shall be kept on file at the Town Hall.
(Prior Code, § 4-2004) (Ord. passed - -; Ord. passed 6-16-1964; Ord. passed 6-12-2008; Ord. passed 7-9-2015; Ord. 2-2021, passed - -)