(A)   For purposes of this schedule, the term TRUCK shall mean trucks that have any of the following characteristics:
      (1)   Tractor and tandem tractor-type truck when pulling semi-trailers or tandem semi- trailers;
      (2)   Trucks exceeding seven feet in width; and
      (3)   Trucks have a gross weight of two and one-half tons or more.
   (B)   The streets designated below are established as truck routes.
Lowell Road Highway #7 East Corporate
West corporate limits
Spencer Mountain Road
Lowell Road Highway #7
Northern corporate limits
   (C)   No person may drive any truck for the transportation of property within the town except along and over the routes established in division (B) above unless and to the extent that deviation from such truck routes is necessary to reach a destination for the purpose of loading or unloading goods, merchandise, or equipment, or is necessitated by street repairs or other emergencies.
   (D)   Despite the provisions of division (C) above, no commercial vehicle as defined in G.S. § 20-4.01(2a) and (2b) may be driven on any of the streets listed below for any purpose without first obtaining a permit from the town police and without an escort along said streets by a town official. Violation of this division (D) shall constitute a Class 3 misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not to exceed $500 or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding 30 days. The fine for any violation of this division (D) shall be imposed on the offender in the form of a civil penalty as follows: first citation $100; second citation $300; and third citation $500. This division (D) shall be applicable to the following streets.
Centurion Court
Denali Court
Everest Drive
Gunnar Drive
Kings Mountain Lane
Mesa Court
Preston Drive
Ranlo Avenue
River Crest Court
Rocky Court
Sapphire Drive
Sierra Drive
Stone Mountain Drive
Summit Drive
Teton Drive
Any other streets within the corporate limits on which a sign prohibiting commercial vehicles has been posted.
(Prior Code, § 7-1065; Appendix I) (Ord. passed 1-12-1984; Ord. passed 5-8-2014)