(A) Through streets designated. Those streets and parts of streets described below are declared to be through streets.
(Prior Code, § 7-1081)
Alpine Lane |
Crescent Avenue |
Gray Avenue |
Hill Lane |
Judith Avenue |
Lewiston Drive |
Lynn Drive |
Monterey Park Drive |
Park Drive |
Ranlo Avenue |
Rhyne Circle |
Spencer Avenue |
Spencer Mountain Road |
Sunset Drive |
Wilmont Drive |
(Prior Code, Appendix I)
(B) Authority to erect stop signs. Whenever any ordinance designates and describes a through street, there shall be a stop sign on each and every street intersecting the through street or intersecting portion thereof described and designated as such by any ordinance unless traffic at any intersection is controlled at all times by traffic-control signals; provided, however, that at the intersection of two through streets or at the intersection of a through street and a heavy traffic street not so designated, stop signs shall be erected at the approaches of either of the streets.
(Prior Code, § 7-1082)
(C) Intersections where stop required. The Board may determine and designate intersections where particular hazard exists upon other than through streets and may determine whether vehicles shall stop at one or more entrances to any stop intersection, and shall erect a stop sign at every place where a stop is required. These places are specified below.
Stop Street | Approach | Through Street |
Stop Street | Approach | Through Street |
Allegheny Drive | ||
Alpine Lane | South | Wilmont Drive |
Aspen Way Court | ||
Boulder Court | ||
Burlington Avenue | West | Spencer Mountain Road |
Bur Mil Drive | North | Spencer Mountain Road |
Central Avenue | East | Spencer Mountain Road |
Central Avenue | East and West | Gray Street |
Church Avenue | West | Spencer Mountain Road |
Crescent | Love Street | |
Denali Court | ||
Dooley Road | South | Sunset Drive |
East Long Street | West | Spencer Mountain Road |
Essen Lane | East | Alpine Lane |
Essen Lane | South | Wilmont Drive |
Everest Drive | ||
Grandover Drive | ||
Gray Street | South | Spencer Mountain Road |
Gunnar Drive | ||
Hilphiger Court | ||
Hill Lane | South | Lynn Drive |
Joselynn Drive | ||
Judith Avenue | West | Monterey Park Drive |
Kings Mountain Lane | ||
Lewiston Drive | East | Hill Lane |
Lewiston Drive | West | Monterey Park Drive |
Love Street | North and South | Ranlo Avenue |
Love Street | South | Cresent Avenue |
Lynn Drive | West | Monterey Park Drive |
Maple Avenue | West | Park Drive |
Mays Street | North and South | Spencer Avenue |
Mesa Court | ||
Middleton Drive | East | Hill Lane |
Middleton Drive | West | Monterey Park Drive |
Mitchem Road | ||
Mitchem Road | North | Spencer Mountain Road |
Park Drive | East | Spencer Mountain Road |
Park Drive | North | Spencer Avenue |
Pasco Place | ||
Paula | North | Judith Drive |
Paula | South | Lewiston Drive |
Ranlo Avenue | East and West | Spencer Mountain Road |
Ranlo Avenue (Ext.) | ||
Rex Avenue | East | Spencer Mountain Road |
Rex Avenue | West | Park Drive |
Rhyne Avenue | West | Spencer Mountain Road |
Rhyne Circle North | South | Rhyne Circle |
River Crest Court | ||
Robin Street | South | Spencer Mountain Road |
Sapphire Drive | ||
Sherry Lane | North | Judith Avenue |
Sherry Lane | South | Lewiston Drive |
Spencer Avenue | East | Gray Street |
Stone Mountain Drive | ||
Sunriver Road | ||
Teton Drive | ||
Walnut Avenue | West | Park Drive |
Waylon Avenue | ||
Wicklow Drive | ||
(Prior Code, § 7-1083; Appendix I)
(D) Signs to bear the word “Stop”. Every sign erected pursuant to this Schedule shall bear the word “Stop” in letters not less than eight inches in height and the signs shall at nighttime be rendered luminous by steady or flashing internal illumination, or by a fixed floodlight projected on the face of the sign, or by efficient reflecting elements on the face of the sign. Every stop sign shall be located as near as practicable at the nearest line of the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or, if none, at the nearest line of the roadway.
(Prior Code, § 7-1084)
(E) Vehicles to stop at stop signs.
(1) Except when directed to proceed by a police officer or traffic-control signal, every driver of a vehicle approaching a stop intersection described in division (C) above and indicated by a stop sign shall stop before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection, or, in the event there is no crosswalk, shall stop at a clearly marked stop line, or, if known then, at the point nearest the intersecting roadway where the driver has a view of approaching traffic on the intersecting roadway before entering the intersection.
(2) The driver, having stopped in obedience to a stop sign at an intersection, shall proceed cautiously yielding the right-of-way to all vehicles not so obliged to stop which are approaching the intersection.
(Prior Code, § 7-1085)
(F) Emerging from alley, driveway, or building. The driver of a vehicle within a business or residential district emerging from an alley, driveway, or building shall stop the vehicle immediately prior to driving onto a sidewalk or onto the sidewalk area extending across any alleyway or driveway yielding the right-of-way to any pedestrian as may be necessary to avoid collision, and upon entering the roadway shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on the roadway.
(Prior Code, § 7-1086)
(G) Stop when traffic obstructed. No driver shall enter an intersection or a marked crosswalk unless there is sufficient space on the other side of the intersection or crosswalk to accommodate the vehicle he or she is operating without obstructing the passage of other vehicles or pedestrians, notwithstanding any traffic-control signal indication to proceed.
(Prior Code, § 7-1087)
(H) Four-way stops. There shall be designated “Four-Way Stop” street signs placed on the following streets or portions of streets.
On Street | Side(s) | From | To
Ranlo Avenue | Love Street | ||
Spencer Avenue | Mays Street |
(Prior Code, Appendix I)
(I) Four-way stops with flashing lights. There shall be designated “Four-Way Stop with flashing lights” street signs placed on the following streets or portions of streets.
On Street | Side(s) | From | To |
Burke Street | Rex Avenue | ||
Park Drive | Park Drive |
(Prior Code, Appendix I)
(J) Yield intersections.
Yield Street | Approach | Main Street |
Yield Street | Approach | Main Street |
Branch Street | South | East Long Avenue |
Burlington Avenue | West | Love Street |
Church Avenue | East | Franklin Street |
Cresent Avenue | North | Ranlo Avenue |
Dellinger Avenue | East and West | Gray Street |
Dooley Road | South | Lewis Road |
Franklin Street | North | Rhyne Avenue |
Franklin Street | South | Franklin Street |
Gray Street | North | Woodside Avenue |
Guilford Avenue | East | Young Street |
Maple Avenue | East | Robin Street |
Mays Street | North and South | Maple Avenue |
Mays Street | Duff Street | |
Redland Drive | South | East Long Avenue |
Rex Avenue | East and West | Mays Street |
Robin Street | North | Rex Avenue |
Rhyne Avenue | East | Rhyne Place |
Rhyne Circle | East | Park Drive |
Rhyne Place | North | Ranlo Avenue |
Second Street | South | East Long Avenue |
Spencer Avenue | East | Sunset Drive |
Thornburg Road | North | Sunset Drive |
Walnut Avenue | East | Mays Street |
(Prior Code, Appendix I) (Ord. passed 11-12-1998; Ord. passed - -)