(A)   The town will provide the following basic water and sewer facilities within the town’s service area utilizing bond funds, grant funds, current revenues, user charges, special assessments, availability fees, and other available funds:
      (1)   Water pumping stations;
      (2)   Water storage tanks;
      (3)   Large water mains;
      (4)   Outfall sewers;
      (5)   Major sewage pumping stations; and
      (6)   Sanitary sewer force mains.
   (B)   The town will schedule the construction of the basic water and sewer facilities described in division (A) above each year on the basis of need and subject to budgetary limits. If an applicant for water or sewer service desires to have unscheduled and unbudgeted facilities constructed by the town he or she shall file an application therefor on forms designated and provided by the town and deposit with the Town Engineer the projected cost of such work as estimated by the Town Engineer. All or a portion of this deposit will be reimbursed to the applicant without interest in annual installments with the first installment due the first August following the date of completion of such work. In the discretion of the town, the projected reimbursable construction costs shall be reimbursed to the applicant either: in five equal installments; or in installments equal to one-third of the revenue derived by the town from water and sewer services from such facilities for the year of reimbursement until the amount of the deposit is paid or for 15 years, whichever comes first. Reimbursements for work described in this division (B) shall be contingent upon sufficient funds budgeted for such, and each request will be reviewed by the Director of Public Works and Utilities for recommendation to the Board of Commissioners.
   (C)   Water and sewer extensions from the basic water and sewer facilities described in division (A) above to individual customer services may be made by or through the town for the following reasons:
      (1)   The need to protect health, public safety, and welfare;
      (2)   Upon request of property owners of existing development; and
      (3)   Upon application of developers of new development including business activities, industrial development, residential development, and similar ventures.
   (D)   Except as provided in §§ 53.04 and 53.05, all applicants for connection to the town’s water or sewer service lines shall pay the availability fee and the standard costs for connection to the town’s service lines.
(Prior Code, § 5-3003) (Ord. passed 9-12-1996)