§ 51.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Civil penalties. Any person who violates any provision of this chapter shall be subject to the following civil penalties.
      (1)   Civil penalties for a residential or non-residential violation of Stage II mandatory restrictions shall be as follows:
         (a)   A warning for the first offense;
         (b)   A civil penalty in the amount of $100 for the second offense;
         (c)   A civil penalty in the amount of $250 for the third offense; and
         (d)   A civil penalty of $500 for the fourth offense and removal of the customer’s water meter.
      (2)   Civil penalties for a residential or non-residential violation of Stage III mandatory restrictions shall be as follows:
         (a)   A civil penalty in the amount of $250 for the first offense;
         (b)   A civil penalty in the amount of $500 for the second offense; and
         (c)   A civil penalty of $1,000 for the third offense and removal of the customer’s water meter.
   (B)   Accumulation of violations. Violations shall be accumulated by all persons so long as the restrictions contained in this subchapter, and any of its stages, are continuously in effect and until no stage of this subchapter has been in effect for a period of one calendar year. Violations of any of the mandatory restrictions of any stage shall accumulate with violations or other stages. Should a person move, or cease and renew service during the period described herein, the person’s violations shall continue to accumulate as if such move or cessation had not occurred.
   (C)   Criminal fines. Any violations of the provisions of this chapter shall constitute a Class 3 misdemeanor, punishable upon conviction by a term of imprisonment up to 20 days, and by a fine not exceeding a maximum of $500, as provided in G.S. § 160A-175. The issuance of a criminal warrant shall not prohibit the imposition of civil penalties.
   (D)   Continuing and separate violations. Each day’s continuing violation of this subchapter shall be a separate and distinct criminal and civil offense. Each violation of this subchapter shall be a separate offense, even if occurring on the same day.
(Prior Code, § 5-1011)