The town shall have the authority to discontinue or restrict water service to any person or structure in the event of a violation of the provisions of this subchapter during a Stage II or higher water shortage period, or for uncorrected water leakage. Prior to such termination or restriction of water supply, the Director shall give at least two working days’ written notice of intent to terminate or restrict by personal service or, in the event that personal service cannot be effectuated, posting of the property on the door. Within two days, the person, customer, occupant, or entity, upon petition to the Town Manager, may be heard as to why such termination should not be enforced. No notice shall be required to discontinue or turn off outside water service that is provided solely for lawn and shrubbery sprinkler systems, swimming pools, or other non-essential uses. When a water service has been discontinued or turned off, it shall be unlawful to reactivate such service without payment of appropriate penalties and/or service connection fees. Upon termination of any emergency declared under this subchapter, all fines or penalties incurred by any person or customer shall remain in effect until paid. Upon such termination, discontinued users may have their service restored upon payment of the regular cut-on fees and accrued fines.
(Prior Code, § 5-1011) (Ord. passed - -)