The procedure for the consideration and adoption of any such proposed amendments shall be in like manner as that required for the consideration and adoption of the ordinance except herein before or herein after modified. For action on zoning amendments, a quorum of the Planning Commission is more than one-half of all the members. A vote either for or against an amendment by a majority of all the Planning Commission members present constitutes a recommendation of the Commission; whereas a vote either for or against an amendment by less than a majority of the Planning Commission present constitutes a failure to recommend. When the Planning Commission submits a recommendation of approval or disapproval of such amendment, the City Council, if it approves such recommendation, may either adopt such recommendation by ordinance or take no further action thereof as appropriate. In the event the Planning Commission submits a failure to recommend, the City Council may take such action as it deems appropriate. Upon receipt of a recommendation of the Planning Commission which the City Council disapproves, the said governing body shall return such recommendation to the Planning Commission with a statement specifying the basis for disapproval, and such recommendation shall be considered in like manner as that required for the original recommendation returned to the Planning Commission. If such amendment shall affect the boundaries of any district, the ordinance shall define the change or the boundary as amended, shall order the official zoning map(s) to be changed to reflect such amendment, and shall amend the section of the ordinance incorporating the same and reincorporate such map as amended.
(Ord. 667, passed 12-3-2014)