The governing body may, at any time, by ordinance, rename any street or provide a name for any new street. Buildings used for residence or business purposes and located along such streets shall retain such numbers as the governing body may require. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk, upon the erection of any new building or buildings, to assign the proper numbers to said building or buildings, and give notice to the owner or owners and occupant or occupants of the same. Said numbers shall be assigned in the following manner:
   All parcels of property in the city shall be assigned a location number which location number shall be entered on a master plat, said plat to be maintained in the office of the City Clerk at all times. Ths location number shall be in addition to the platted lots legal description designation. Said location numbers shall be assigned in increments of 50 feet of lot frontage or, where lot frontage is not equal to 50 feet, as close to said 50 feet increments as possible with the exception that, where lots are platted in 25 feet frontages, numbers shall be assigned increments of 25 feet. However, an exception to this 25-foot designation shall be the south half of Block 2 and the north half of Block 3, all in the Original Town of Randolph, which shall be assigned numbers in increments of 50-foot frontages. All location numbers shall be assigned within block units. Blocks shall be numbered in multiples of 100 beginning with Block 100 north of Broadway Street continuing north using “North” with each number; Block 100 south of Broadway Street continuing south using “South” with each number; Block 100 west of Main street continuing west using “West” with each number, and Block 100 east of Main Street continuing east using “East” with each number. Even numbers shall be on the north and west sides and odd numbers on the south and east sides. If any property owner objects to the assignment of a lot location number, he or she may, by written application filed with the City Office, appeal said assignment to the City Council. The City Council shall hear said appeal at its first regular meeting after said application has been on file for a period of ten days and its decision shall be final. Each property owner may display on the premises his or her assigned location number.
(Prior Code, § 8-301)