Any charges billed under the electric current exclusively for heating shall be billed from a separate meter which shall meter only electric current used for heating the premises and shall be installed under the direction of the Public Works Supervisor who shall be free to inspect said meter with 24 hours’ notice to owner at his or her discretion. The property owner shall be charged for the separate meter, a meter installing fee, and a meter removal fee, which fee schedule shall not be applicable to air condition costs, which shall be metered under the standard electric current schedule. If any property owner is found to have connected any other electric currents not used for heating to the separate meter herein provided for, the city shall have the right to immediately remove said separate meter, and charge the property owner for all electric current metered to him or her on said separate meter at the standard electric rate for the preceding 12 months. The rate set out in the schedule for electric current exclusively for heating shall apply to metering from September 18 to May 18 each year. The balance of the metered current for the remainder of the year shall be charged at the standard electric current rate.
(Ord. 700, passed 1-8-2020; Ord. 713, passed 3-3-2021)
   Bills for electric, water, and sewer use, see § 50.03