(A) Exterior lighting shall be designed and arranged to limit direct illumination and glare upon or into any contiguous parcel. Reflected glare or spill light shall not exceed five- tenths foot-candles as measured on the property line when abutting any residential parcel and one foot-candle on any abutting commercial or industrial parcel. Street lights installed in public right-of-way shall be excepted from these standards.
(B) Mitigative measures shall be employed to limit glare and spill light to protect neighboring parcels and to maintain traffic safety on public roads. These measures shall include lenses, shields, louvers, prismatic control devices and limitations on the height and type of fixtures. The city may also limit the hours of operation of outdoor lighting if it is deemed necessary to reduce impacts on the surrounding neighborhood.
(C) No flickering or flashing lights shall be permitted.
(D) Direct, off-site views of the light source shall not be permitted except for globe and/or ornamental light fixtures approved in conjunction with a site and building plan. Globe and ornamental fixtures shall only be approved when the developer can demonstrate that off- site impacts stemming from direct views of the bulb are mitigated by the fixture design and/or location.
(E) The City may require submission of a light distribution plan if deemed necessary to ensure compliance with the intent of this chapter.