(A)   Farm animals may be kept in R-1 Residential and Rural Residential and Agricultural zoning districts pursuant to the performance standards in this section. An exception shall be made to this section for those animals brought into the City as part of an operating zoo, veterinarian clinic, scientific research laboratory, or a licensed show or exhibition.
   (B)   Chickens. The keeping of chickens is allowed in R-1 Residential and Rural Residential and Agricultural districts pursuant to the following performance standards:
      (1)   Chickens may not be kept on vacant lots;
      (2)   Number of chickens in R-1 Residential district.
         (a)   Lots up to 0.25 acres may not exceed two chickens;
         (b)   Lots in excess of 0.25 acres may not exceed five chickens.
      (3)   Number of chickens in Rural Residential and Agricultural district.
         (a)   Lots up to 0.25 acres may not exceed two chickens;
         (b)   Lots in excess of 0.25 acres and less than 0.5 acres may not exceed five chickens.
         (c)   Lots in excess of 0.5 acres and less than two acres may not exceed ten chickens; and
         (d)   Lots with more than two acres may have up to ten chickens, plus five chickens per additional acre.
      (4)   No roosters shall be allowed in the R-1 Residential district;
      (5)   No chickens shall be kept inside a residential dwelling unless less than six weeks old;
      (6)   Chickens shall be provided a secure and well-ventilated roofed structure in compliance with zoning and building codes, and an attached fenced yard;
      (7)   The roofed structure shall be fully enclosed, wind proof, have one square foot window to 15 square feet of floor space and have a heat source to maintain an adequate indoor temperature during extreme cold conditions;
      (8)   The floors and walls of the roofed structure shall be kept in a clean, sanitary and healthy condition with all droppings and body excretions collected daily and placed in a fire-proof covered container until applied as fertilizer, composted or transported off the premises;
      (9)   Chickens shall not be allowed to free-range;
      (10)   The fenced yard enclosure shall be well drained so there is no accumulation of moisture;
      (11)   A floor area or combination of the floor and fenced yard area for keeping chickens shall not be less than ten square feet of floor space per chicken;
      (12)   Roofed structures or fenced yard enclosures shall be set back a minimum of ten feet from the nearest property line;
      (13)   No chickens may be kept or raised in a manner as to cause injury or annoyance to persons on other property in the vicinity by reason of noise, odor or filth; and
      (14)   No person owning or keeping chickens may permit the same to run at large or enter upon the premises of another without permission, nor may such chickens be kept, raised or permitted to go on any street, park, or public ponding area. Any chickens at large in violation of this provision may be impounded, and after being impounded for three days or more without being reclaimed by the owner, may be destroyed or sold. A person reclaiming any impounded chickens shall pay the cost of impounding and keeping the same.
   (C)   Other Farm Animals. The keeping of other farm animals is allowed in Rural Residential and Agricultural district and R-1 Residential district pursuant to the following performance standards:
      (1)   Minimum lot size for Rural Residential and Agricultural zoned properties is two acres;
      (2)   Minimum lot size for R-1 Residential zoned properties is ten acres;
      (3)   Farm animals may not be kept on vacant lots;
      (4)   All farm animals must be so contained to prevent the animals from escaping onto neighboring properties or injuring the public;
      (5)   No person shall be allowed to herd, drive or ride any animal over and upon any grass, turf, boulevard, city park, cemetery, garden or lot without specific permission from the owner;
      (6)   Proper care and shelter shall be provided to all horses as required by Minn. Stat. § 346.38; and
      (7)   It shall be unlawful for any person to treat any farm animal or any other animal in a cruel or inhumane manner.
   (D)   Animal Enclosures for Farm Animals.
      (1)   An animal enclosure shall be any building or portion thereof, structure or area including pens, corrals, fenced yards, dog houses, kennels, and outside runs that are principally used or designed for use as a place for the keeping of animals.
      (2)   All accessory structures (regardless of size) used to shelter domestic or farm animals must conform to the accessory structure requirements of the property’s respective zoning district, the minimum accessory structure setbacks of the property’s respective zoning district, as well as any stricter requirements of this section.
      (3)   No encroachment shall be permitted in existing or required buffer yard or drainage and/or utility easements.
      (4)   Any enclosed pen, corral, or any fenced yard enclosure, roofed structure or building for farm animals other than chickens shall be setback a minimum of 50-feet from the nearest property line. This 50-foot setback shall not apply to open grazing or pasture areas.
      (5)   Screening and/or hard surface will be required if problems occur with appearance, noise, odor, and sanitation as determined by the zoning administrator.