General Provisions
   52.001   Definitions
Use of Public Sewers Required
   52.015   Deposit of wastes
   52.016   Polluting waters
   52.017   Private disposal facilities
   52.018   Discontinuance of private disposal system
Private Sewage Disposal
   52.030   Private system regulations
   52.031   Private sewer system permit
   52.032   Inspection
   52.033   Requirements for system
   52.034   Maintenance of private system
   52.035   Additional requirements
   52.036   Availability of public connection
Building Sewers and Connections
   52.050   Permit required
   52.051   Unlawful discharges
   52.052   Capacity of sewer
   52.053   Cost of installation
   52.054   Independent building sewer required
   52.055   Old building sewers
   52.056   Size and alignment
   52.057   Elevation; gravity sewers
   52.058   Downspouts prohibited
   52.059   Building sewer; Plumbing Code
   52.060   Notification for inspection
   52.061   Barricades at excavations
Public Sewers
   52.075   Discharge of storm sewer
   52.076   Storm water discharge
   52.077   Prohibited discharges to sewers
   52.078   Industrial discharges
   52.079   Specific substances prohibited
   52.080   Approval of prohibited wastes
   52.081   Grease and oil interceptors
   52.082   Facility maintenance
   52.083   Industrial wastes control manhole
   52.084   Laboratory analyses
   52.085   Testing requirements
   52.086   Special arrangements
Protection of Sewage Works from Damage
   52.100   Unauthorized damage
Powers and Authority of Inspectors
   52.115   Inspection and testing
   52.116   Observation of safety rules
   52.117   Private property inspections
Extension of Mains
   52.130   Determination of who pays expense of extension
   52.131   Requirements if extension is installed by someone other than the village
Objectional Material Effluent Limits
   52.145   Table of objectional material effluent limits
Wastewater Service Charges
   52.160   Basis for wastewater service charges
   52.161   Computation of operation, maintenance and replacement costs
   52.162   Surcharge and sewer charges
   52.163   Annual debt service charge review
   52.164   Measurement of flow
   52.165   Computation of wastewater service charge