A taxicab owner’s license may be amended from time to time as to the individual taxicabs owned or used by the owner upon making application therefore to the Chief of Police, or his or her designate. The same shall be so amended prior to utilizing any taxicab not specifically listed on the taxicab owner’s license. The Chief of Police, or his or her designate, shall certify and report to the City Clerk whether the vehicle proposed for use complies with the provisions of this chapter. If the vehicle is in conformity, the City Clerk shall appropriately amend the taxicab owner’s license upon payment of a transfer fee of $5. The number of taxicabs cannot, however, be so increased. The permitted maximum number of taxicabs under any license can be increased only upon making application to the City Council. The City Council may approve or deny the request after consideration thereof which consideration may include investigation and public hearings relative to the increase as it shall deem appropriate. The City Council must act on any request within 14 days after filing a request with the City Clerk unless waived by the taxicab owner.
(1980 Code, § 19.920) (Ord. 9329, passed 3-19-2018) Penalty, see § 125.999