(A)   In order to obtain a permit to construct, or an original license to operate a mobile home park, the applicant shall file with the enforcing officer a written application setting forth:
      (1)   The full name and address of the applicant or applicants, or names and addresses of the partners if the applicant is a partnership, or the names and addresses of the officers if the applicant is a corporation, and the present or last occupation of the applicant at the time of the filing of the application;
      (2)   The location and legal description of the tract of land upon which it proposes to operate and maintain the mobile home park;
      (3)   The proposed and existing facilities in the mobile home park for water supply, sewage, garbage and waste disposal, fire protection and for a community building which will include a description of toilets urinals, sinks, wash basins, slop sinks, showers, drains and laundry facilities, the proposed alterations therein and the maintenance thereof;
      (4)   The proposed method of lighting the structures and land upon which the mobile home park is to be located;
      (5)   The site plans of the mobile home park, the plans and specifications for new buildings and facilities, all as may be required by the rules and regulations of the city under the provisions of this chapter; and
      (6)   A statement of the firefighting facilities, public or private, which are available to the mobile home park.
   (B)   An affidavit of the applicant as to the truth of the matters contained in the application shall be attached thereto. Where a permit to construct is sought in addition to a license to operate, request therefore shall be made in the same application.
   (C)   Each application shall be accompanied by an application fee in the amount of $20 for each one acre of land or fraction thereof proposed to be used as a mobile home park. Each application fee shall be paid to the city by a separate certified check or United States money order in the amount of the application fee and the fee once paid to the city shall not be refunded.
   (D)   Upon receipt of an application for a permit to construct a mobile home park, or in an application for a license to operate and maintain the same, the enforcing officer shall, if the park is, or the proposed park will be, in conformity with this chapter and the rules and regulations adopted by the enforcing officer pursuant thereto, issue a permit to construct or an original license, as the case may be. If the application for a permit to construct or an original license is declined, the enforcing officer shall give the reasons therefore in writing to the applicant; and if the objection can be corrected, the applicant may amend his or her application and re-submit it for approval.
   (E)   If a permit to construct a mobile home park has been issued, the applicant upon completion thereof shall notify the enforcing officer. The enforcing officer shall then inspect the mobile home park and if completed in accordance with the accepted application, the enforcing officer shall then issue a license.
   (F)   No change in any sanitary facilities, methods of water supply, sewer drainage, garbage or waste disposal, and no change in the plot plan shall be made without first making a written permit therefore. The application shall be made in the way and manner hereinbefore set forth; the change or changes shall comply with the safety and sanitary code, codes, rules and regulations as are applicable a thereto.
   (G)   The permit does not relieve the applicant from securing building permits or from complying with any other ordinances applicable thereto. In addition to the application fee provided or herein, the licensee shall pay to the City Clerk on or before May 1 of each year an annual license fee which shall be $100 per year.
   (H)   Each license fee shall be paid to the city by a separate certified check or United States money order in the amount of the license fee only and any license fee or any part thereof, once paid to and accepted by the city shall not be refunded.
   (I)   Any license granted hereunder shall be subject to revocation or suspension by the city. However, the enforcing officer shall first serve or cause to be served upon the licensee a written notice on which shall be specified the way or ways in which the licensee has failed to comply with the ordinance or any rules or regulations promulgated by the city pertaining thereto. The notice shall require the licensee to remove or abate the nuisance, unsanitary or objectionable condition specified in the notice within five days or within a longer period of time as may be allowed by the enforcing officer. If the licensee fails to comply with the terms and conditions of the notice, within the time specified or the extended period of time, the enforcing officer may revoke or suspend the license.
   (J)   No person, firm or corporation shall construct a mobile home park without first obtaining a permit to do so. All permits to construct, all licenses to operate and all permits to make alterations therein shall be prominently displayed in the office of the mobile home park. Licenses issued under this chapter shall be transferable only upon written consent of the licensor, provided, however, that the licensor may not withhold the consent where the provisions of this chapter have been complied with in all other respects.
   (K)   Each mobile home park licensed or to be constructed under the provisions of this chapter shall provide a responsible attendant, caretaker or agent at all times, whose duty it small be to maintain the park, its facilities and equipment in a clean, orderly and sanitary condition.
(1980 Code, § 19.1004) (Ord. 9329, passed 3-19-2018) Penalty, see § 119.99