§ 111.050 FEES.
   (A)   The annual fee for the classifications of licenses above set out shall be as follows:
Class Al
Class A2
Class B
Class C-l
$50 per day for up to three days plus $150 for any period from four to 15 days
Class C-2
$400 for any period from one to 15 days
Class D1
Class D2
Class E
$50 (annual fee)
Class F
Class G
$50 per day for up to three days plus $150 for any period from four to 15 days
Class I1
Class I2
   (B)   All licenses shall be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk. No person shall, in the city, engage in any business or occupation or exercise any privilege mentioned or referred to in this chapter without first having obtained a license therefore, and a license is hereby expressly required for so engaging in any business or occupation or for the exercising of the privilege; and each person, firm, partnership, club, association or corporation engaged in any business or occupation or exercising any privilege for which a license is required under this chapter shall pay to the city for the license the annual fee herein required for that particular kind of business, occupation or privilege.
(1980 Code, § 18.007) (Ord. 9324, passed 12-26-2017; Ord. 9335, passed 5-29-2018; Ord. 9432, passed 11-29-2021) Penalty, see § 111.999