The city reserves the right to discontinue water service for reasonable cause, provided that prior to notice of at least 24 hours shall be given if practical. Reasonable cause shall include, but not be limited to the following.
(A) Credit. For failure of the customer to establish credit, or for nonpayment of a delinquent bill owed to the Utilities Department for the same class of service furnished to the customer at the same or another location.
(B) Waste. For willful or indifferent waste of water due to any cause.
(C) Injury. For failure to protect from injury or damage any meter of service connection, or for failure to maintain a customer’s service pipe of fixtures on the property of the customer in a condition satisfactory to the Utilities Department.
(D) Meter damage. The consumer shall be liable for any injury to the water meter on his or her premises occasioned by lack of ordinary care on his or her part and any meter requiring repairs due to damage from freezing or violence or from heat shall be repaired by the Utilities Department at the consumer’s expense. The Utilities Department reserves the right to cancel and discontinue water service to consumers who refuse or neglect to pay repair bills.
(E) Tampering. For molesting or tampering by the customer, or other persons with the knowledge of the customer, to any meter, connection, service pipe, curb stop, seal or any other appliance of the Utilities Department controlling or regulating the customer’s supply.
(F) Access. For failure to provide the Utilities Department’s employees free and reasonable access to the premises supplied, or for obstructing the way of ingress to the service pipes, fixtures, meters or other appliances, controlling or regulating the customer’s water supply.
(G) Vacancy. In case of vacancy of the premises.
(H) Annexation. For failure to honor an annexation obligation relative to the premises or property whether executed by the customer or a predecessor in title, or failing to annex pursuant to § 52.017(B).
(I) Selling. For selling or giving away water, or granting privileges to anyone to use water not specifically included in the accepted application.
(J) Cross connection. If the owner or occupant of the premises for which a cross connection has been discovered fails or refuses to break the connection, the service shall be discontinued by making an actual break in the service of the pipe until the cross connection has been properly broken or protected, the entire cost of which shall be that of the customer.
(1980 Code, § 25.204) (Ord. 9333, passed 4-23-2018)