(A)   All taps into the sewers of the city municipal sewer system, other than at existing wyes or connections, shall be made only by authorize sewer personnel upon direction of the Director of Utilities and Engineering, except other qualified persons may make taps to the sewer upon receiving written permission from the Director of Utilities and Engineering and installed under the direction of personnel appointed by the city. Permission for others to tap into the sewer system will be issued for each separate connection and shall be valid for one connection only. The applicant for sewer tap shall provide safe working space necessary to make a sewer tap. The Utilities Committee shall make the following service charges for making taps (connections) into sewer systems regardless of the size of the opening or the tap.
To Tap:
8-inch mains
10-inch mains
12-inch mains
15-inch mains
18-inch mains
21-inch mains
24-inch mains
27-inch mains
30-inch mains
   (B)   Service charges shall be in addition to permit fees and the connection and use charges otherwise provided for by ordinance.
(1980 Code, § 24.706) Penalty, see § 51.999