§ 50.01 PURPOSE.
   It is the purpose of this chapter to promote, protect and facilitate the public, health, safety, morals and general welfare by the following:
   (A)   Instituting a recycling program, whereby the city shall be the sole agents regulating collection of solid waste and requiring residents to purchase city stickers for the disposal of rubbish and garbage;
   (B)   Regulating the collection, accumulation and storage of solid wastes so as to:
      (1)   Retard the propagation and the harboring of rats, mice, mosquitoes, flies and other vermin;
      (2)   Eliminate filth and filthy deposits;
      (3)   Reduce the potential pollution of land, air or water and the disease producing potential of decaying organic matter;
      (4)   Reduce the potential of spontaneous combustion and fire;
      (5)   Generally promote harmonious, peaceful and comfortable neighborhood life by the elimination of nuisances; and
      (6)   Provide for the preservation of valuable natural resources through the elimination of recyclable materials from collection and landfills.
   (C)   Providing for the safe, orderly and economic collection and removal of accumulated waste; and
   (D)   Provide for the disposal of solid waste in safe and sanitary methods and in compliance with applicable state and local rules and regulations.
(1980 Code, § 21.301)