(A)   The National Electrical Code is hereby amended as follows:
      (1)   In addition to the definitions provided for herein, the definitions set forth in § 115.01 of the Municipal Code shall apply, except as the context may otherwise require.
      (2)   Article 210.12(A) shall be amended by deleting the words “kitchens” and “laundry areas.”
      (3)   A new Article 230.85 shall be added as follows:
         Article 230.85 Emergency Disconnects. For one- and two-family dwelling units, all service conductors shall terminate in disconnecting means having a short-circuit current rating equal to or greater than the available fault current, installed in a readily accessible outdoor location. If more than one disconnect is provided, they shall be grouped. Each disconnect shall be one of the following:
            (1)   Service disconnects marked as follows: EMERGENCY DISCONNECT, SERVICE DISCONNECT.
            (2)   Meter disconnects installed per 230.82(3) and marked as follows: EMERGENCY DISCONNECT, METER DISCONNECT, NOT SERVICE EQUIPMENT.
            (3)   Other listed disconnect switches or circuit breakers on the supply side of each service disconnect that are suitable for use as service equipment and marked as follows: EMERGENCY DISCONNECT, NOT SERVICE EQUIPMENT. Markings shall comply with 110.2(B).
      (4)   Article 445.18 (Disconnecting Means and Emergency Shutdown) is not hereby adopted, and a new Article 445.18 is adopted in lieu thereof as follows:
         Article 445.18 Disconnecting Means and Emergency Shutdown.
            (A)   Disconnecting Means. Generators other than cord-and-plug-connected portable generators shall have one or more disconnecting means. Each disconnecting means shall simultaneously open all associated ungrounded conductors. Each disconnecting means shall be lockable open in accordance with 110.25.
            (B)   Emergency Shutdown of Prime Mover. Generators shall have provisions to shut down the prime mover. The means of shutdown shall comply with all of the following:
               (1)   Be equipped with provisions to disable all prime mover start control circuits to render the prime mover incapable of starting.
               (2)   Initiate a shutdown mechanism that requires a mechanical reset. The provisions to shut down the prime mover shall be permitted to satisfy the requirements of 445.18(A) where it is capable of being locked in the open position in accordance with 110.25.
            (C)   Remote Emergency Shutdown. Generators with greater than 15 kW rating shall be provided with a remote emergency stop switch to shut down the prime mover. The remote emergency stop switch shall be located outside the equipment room or generator enclosure and shall also meet the requirements of 445.18(B)(1) and (B)(2).
            (D)   Emergency Shutdown in One- and Two-Family Dwelling Units. For other than cord-and-plug-connected portable generators, an emergency shutdown device shall be located outside the dwelling unit at a readily accessible location.
            (E)   Generators Installed in Parallel. Where a generator is installed in parallel with other generators, the provisions of 445.18(A) shall be capable of isolating the generator output terminals from the paralleling equipment. The disconnecting means shall not be required to be located at the generator.
      (5)   Article 480.7 (Disconnect Methods) shall be amended by adding thereto the following:
            Article 480.7(E) Emergency Disconnect. For one- and two-family dwellings, a disconnecting means or its remote control for a stationary battery system shall be located at a readily accessible location outside the building for emergency use. The disconnect shall be labeled “EMERGENCY DISCONNECT.”
      (6)   A new Article 706.15 shall be added as follows:
         Article 706.15 Disconnecting Means.
         (A)   ESS Disconnecting Means. A disconnecting means shall be provided for all ungrounded conductors derived from an ESS and shall be permitted to be integral to listed ESS equipment. The disconnecting means shall comply with all of the following:
            (1)   The disconnecting means shall be readily accessible.
            (2)   The disconnecting means shall be located within sight of the ESS. Where it is impractical to install the disconnecting means within sight of the ESS, the disconnect shall be installed as close as practicable, and the location of the disconnecting means shall be field marked on or immediately adjacent to the ESS. The marking shall be of sufficient durability to withstand the environment involved and shall not be handwritten.
            (3)   The disconnecting means shall be lockable open in accordance with 110.25.
            For one-family and two-family dwellings, a disconnecting means or its remote control shall be located at a readily accessible location outside the building.
         (B)   Remote Actuation. Where controls to activate the disconnecting means of an ESS are used and are not located within sight of the system, the location of the controls shall be field marked on the disconnecting means.
         (C)   Notification and Marking. Each ESS disconnecting means shall plainly indicate whether it is in the open (off) or closed (on) position and be permanently marked “ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM DISCONNECT.” The disconnecting means shall be legibly marked in the field to indicate the following:
            (1)   Nominal ESS ac voltage and maximum ESS dc voltage.
            (2)   Available fault current derived from the ESS.
            (3)   An arc-flash label applied in accordance with acceptable industry practice.
            (4)   Date the calculation was performed.
            Exception: List items (2), (3), and (4) shall not apply to one- and two-family dwellings.
            For ESS disconnecting means where the line and load terminals may be energized in the open position, the device shall be marked with the following words or equivalent:
   The notifications) and marking(s) shall comply with 110.21(B).
         (D)   Partitions Between Components. Where circuits from the input or output terminals of energy storage components in an ESS pass through a wall, floor, or ceiling, a readily accessible disconnecting means shall be provided within sight of the energy storage component. Fused disconnecting means or circuit breakers shall be permitted.
   (B)   Permits.
      (1)   Generally. A permit shall be required to construct, alter or repair an electrical distribution system installed in any place within the city limits of the city or, pursuant to this code, within the contiguous territory within one and one-half miles beyond the corporate limits or any property subject to annexation by the City of Quincy by covenant or operation of law (hereinafter “city jurisdiction”); provided no permit shall be required for maintenance or minor electrical work, work on distribution systems and related equipment owned by public utility companies or common carriers under the jurisdiction of the State Commerce Commission and used in their operations, or radio or television equipment used for wireless transmission or reception of sounds and signals. A permit shall further be required by the electrical contractor doing work in new construction or alterations on premises of factory or commercial or industrial facilities within the limits of the city jurisdiction; provided that no permit shall be required for any electrical work performed by direct, full-time employees of industrial or manufacturing firms, and whose work shall be under direct control of a supervising electrician possessing a master electrician’s license issued under § 115.35(D) of the Municipal Code. Prior to providing any equipment or service in connection with any electrical work, the applicable public utility shall require evidence that a permit hereunder has been issued and the necessary inspections by the Electrical Inspector have been satisfactorily completed.
      (2)   Fees. The following permit fees shall hereby apply to all electrical work:
         (a)   Electrical service.
New/Upgrade Service Fee
New/Upgrade Service Fee
100 Amp
101 to 200 Amp
201 to 400 Amp
401 to 600 Amp
601 to 800 Amp   
801 to 1200 Amp
1201 to 1600 Amp
1601 to 2000 Amp
2001 to 3000 Amp
3001 to 4000 Amp
         (b)   Building wiring.
Commercial, Industrial Fee Structure
Commercial, Industrial Fee Structure
Building wiring
50 volts - 480 volts branch circuit wiring - Minimum Fee $100
New construction/additions
Cost of construction X 0.0009
Alterations ($300 - $50,000)
Alterations ($50,001 - $200,000)
Alterations ($200,001 +)
Material & Labor cost X 0.02
Material & Labor cost X 0.005
Material & Labor cost X 0.0007
Solar systems, swimming pools, generators, use #1 above
   Residential Fee Structure
50 volts - 240 volts branch circuit wiring - Minimum Fee $50
New construction/additions
Cost of construction X 0.0007
Alterations ($300 - $50,000)
Alterations ($50,001 +)
Material & Labor cost X 0.015
Material & Labor cost X 0.009
Solar systems, swimming pools, generators, use #1 above
         (c)   Residential electrical service repair.
Meter base only (up to 200 Amps)
Service panel only (up to 200 Amps)
      (3)   Certificate required. Only an electrical contractor holding a valid certificate issued pursuant to Chapter 115 of this code shall be entitled to seek permits, unless the permitted work is to be performed by the owner of a single-family dwelling structure, when such structure serves as the owner or owners’ primary residence, except that owner-performed work shall be limited to branch circuits, beginning at the point of the final overcurrent device protecting the circuits and outlets. No permit may be assigned or transferred. Permitted electrical work shall be performed under the direct supervision and control of the permittee. Subcontracting of permitted electrical work shall only be to contractors licensed under Chapter 115 of this code and written notice of such contractor shall be made to the Electrical Inspector before electrical work commences by any subcontractor.
      (4)   Delinquent charge. If the application for electrical permit is not filed with the Electrical Inspector prior to the commencement of construction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition as provided above, the Electrical Inspector shall charge the applicant an additional fee equal to twice the fee specified above, and no permit shall be issued until the fee is paid.
   (C)   Electrical Inspectors; office and duty. The Electrical Inspectors shall administer and enforce the provisions of Chapter 115 (Electrical Contractors and Electricians) and this section of the code. The Electrical Inspector shall keep a record of permits issued, inspections made and other official work performed in accordance with this section.
   (D)   Violations.
      (1)   Unlawful acts. It shall be unlawful for any person, film or corporation to install, erect, construct, alter, extend, repair or remove any electrical distribution system regulated by the Electrical Code, or cause the same to be done, in conflict with or in violation of any of the provisions of the Electrical Code as hereby adopted.
      (2)   Authority. The Electrical Inspector is hereby authorized to inspect any and all electrical installations within the city jurisdiction, to placard and order removed or remodeled and put in proper and safe condition for the prevention of fire and safety of life, and electrical heating and lighting apparatus, power generators, motors, machinery, fixtures and connections, electrical equipment used in the supply, distribution or utilization of electrical current for light, heat or power purposes and to control the disposition and arrangement of the same so that persons and property shall not be endangered.
      (3)   Notice. The Electrical Inspector or other enforcing officer shall serve a notice or order on one or more of the persons, firms or corporations responsible for the installation, erection, construction, alteration, extension, repair or removal, demolition, any electrical distribution system or equipment in violation of the provisions of the Electrical Code, in violation of a detailed statement or a plan approved thereunder, or in violation of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of the Electrical Code. The order shall direct the discontinuance of the illegal action or condition or the abatement of the violation. For this purpose, the owner, lessee or licensee of the building or structure or equipment shall be considered responsible as well as any person(s), firm or corporation engaged in the activities.
      (4)   Summary abatement of violation. If the necessary changes or repairs are not completed within the time specified in any notice, the Electrical Inspector or enforcing officer shall have the authority to disconnect the electrical service to the equipment or installation in question where the maintenance or continuance of the violation creates an imminent threat of serious injury to persons or property in addition, and even if prior notice has not been given, if the Electrical Inspector or enforcing officer in the course of discharging his or her duties, discovers any violation of this code which creates an imminent threat of serious injury to persons or property, and the circumstances do not allow for notice to be given, as provided above, or if any electrical equipment may interfere with the work of the Fire Department, the Electrical Inspector shall have the authority to disconnect or cause the immediate disconnection of the service or equipment (without prior notice). If fires have damaged the wiring of any building or structure, reconnection to electrical supply shall not be made until authorized by the inspector, enforcing officer, Building Inspector, Fire Chief or his or her respective designees.
      (5)   Required inspections. Upon the completion of any installation of electrical equipment for which a permit or license is required, the person, firm or corporation making the installation or alteration shall notify the Inspection Office. An inspection of the installation or alteration shall be made within two business days of the time the notice is received, or as soon thereafter as practical. If the Electrical Inspector finds the installation to be in conformity with the provisions of the Electrical Code and this section, he or she shall approve the installation with the supply of electricity. If the authorization is issued for the installation, connection and use of a temporary service, the permit shall designate the time of expiration but may be revoked by the Department for cause before expiration. When any electrical equipment is to be hidden or concealed from view by permanent construction, the person, firm or corporation installing the equipment shall notify the Office of Inspection and the equipment shall not be concealed until it has been inspected and approved or until two business days shall have elapsed from the time of the notification; provided that on any large installation, where the concealment of equipment proceeds in stages, the person, firm or corporation installing the equipment shall give the Office of Inspection notice, and inspection shall be made periodically during the progress of the work.
      (6)   Right of entry; removal or remedying defective or unsafe conditions. The Office of Inspection shall have the right at reasonable times to enter any building, and shall be given prompt access thereto upon application to the owner or individual having charge or control thereof, for the purpose of making inspections and tests of the electrical distribution systems therein, or otherwise in enforcing the provisions of this code. Whenever, in the judgment of the Electrical Inspector or enforcing officer, any Electrical Inspector or enforcing officer, any electrical wiring or appliance is defective or dangerous, or whenever, from any cause, the premises shall be in a defective condition as to present a danger of fires or accidents to workers or the general public, the Electrical Inspector or enforcing officer shall at once cause the removal of the defects and the remedying of improper conditions as provided in § 54.06.
      (7)   Stop work orders. Wherever any work or project governed by this section is being performed or carried on in violation of any of the provisions of this section, it shall be the duty of the Electrical Inspector or enforcing officer to post a printed notice of violation to “stop work”, signed by the Inspector, on the premises where the work is in progress, and to notify the individual in charge of the work on the premises of the order. After the posting of the notice, it shall be unlawful for any individual to do any further work on the project until such time as the defects or violations of the Electrical Code or this section have been eliminated or remedied to the satisfaction of the Office of Inspection and the “stop work” notice has been removed by the Inspector.
      (8)   Appeal. Any owner or person who is aggrieved or affected by an order, ruling, decision or interpretation of the Electrical Inspector or other enforcing officer in any of the matters relative to the interpretation or enforcement of any of the provisions of the Electrical Code may appeal the order, ruling, decision or interpretation to the Electrical Commission established by and in accordance with Chapter 40 of the Municipal Code of the city.
      (9)   Chapter not to exempt. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to exempt any person, firm or corporation from liability now existing or that in the future may arise to the city of any person for damage from negligence or from defective construction relating to maintaining or making connection with any system of electrical power within the corporate limits of the city, nor to release any person, firm or corporation from any restriction under ordinances granting them or their respective franchises; nor shall the city be held to assume any liability by reason of the inspection authorized herein or certificate or permit being issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, or from a failure of the Electrical Inspector to perform his or her full duties hereunder.
(Ord. 9464, passed 1-30-2023)